霉霉(Taylor Swift)迎来了她的 27 岁生日,射手座的她一直非常喜欢广交朋友,众所皆知她在演艺圈中、尤其是模特儿界拥有一个被称为是“霉霉军团”的闺蜜群。
吉吉·哈蒂德(Gigi Hadid)以“So inspired by you”的极高赞美祝贺霉霉,并表示她是一个很棒的朋友。
Happy Birthday to you T!! 💟 So inspired every day by what an incredible friend you are !!!!!!!! love you & celebrating with u in spirit xx 🍾🍾🍾
霉霉的超模好友卡莉·克劳斯(Karlie Kloss)当然也不会错过好闺蜜的生日,她们的友情甚至有名到一起在维多利亚的秘密大秀上放闪过,她们的组合也被粉丝称为是“KAYLOR”。
karlieklossHappiest of Birthdays to my ride or die
❤️🎂👯❤️ I feel blessed to count you as my friend, sister and partner in crime. Can't wait to celebrate together very soon ❤️🍪🍾
歌手 Todrick Hall 也称霉霉是他的朋友之中最贴心的人,甚至每一次跟她相处都能够帮助自己成长。
Happy Birthday to the sweetest human being I know. Every time I'm with you I leave challenging myself to be a better me. Your heart is just as big and special as your talent, and I'm proud to be your self appointed GBF 🦄 #Taydrick Happy Birthday
模特鲁比·洛斯(Ruby Rose)在今年也加入了霉霉闺蜜军团的阵容,她表示霉霉是她遇过最令人惊艳、充满爱的人,总是能够为周围的人带来快乐。
rubyroseWhat does one even begin to say about this incredible woman. Happy birthday to one of most incredible, loyal, loving and generous human beings I've ever met.