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Adobe 已宣布 Flash 结束,那开源它是最好的方案吗?

Linux爱好者  · 公众号  · linux  · 2017-07-31 21:38


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来源: 开源中国社区


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近日,在 GitHub 出现了一个名为“ open-source-flash ”的仓库,初看名字还以为刚宣布终结的 Flash 要开源了,点进去之后才发现,原来仓库的主要内容是一份请愿开源 Flash 规范的说明。请愿书原文如下:

Petition to open source Flash spec

Adobe is going to stop distributing and updating Flash player . That's ok.

However Flash is an important piece of Internet history and killing Flash means future generations can't access the past. Games, experiments and websites would be forgotten.

Open sourcing Flash spec would be a good solution to keep Flash projects alive safely for archive reasons. Don't know how, but that's the beauty of open source: you never know what will come up after you go open source! There might be a way to convert swf/fla to HTML5/canvas/webgl/webassembly, or some might write a standalone player for it. Another possibility would be to have a separate browser. We're not saying Flash player should be preserved as is.

We understand that there are licenced components you can not release. Simply leave them out with a note explaining what was removed. We will either bypass them, or replace them with open source alternatives.

Star this repository to sign the petition. Pull requests are also welcome. Add cool Flash links here and reasons to open source Flash.

This petition will be delivered to Adobe.


开源 Flash 规范的请愿书

Adobe 已宣布将于 2020 年停止分发和更新 Flash player


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