通道剪枝(Channel Pruning)
其中,第二阶段是关键,实现逐层的迭代修剪和快速微调或权重重构,以保持精度【Jose M Alvarez and Mathieu Salzmann. Learning the number of neurons in deep networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 2270-2278, 2016】。
在权重修剪时, Han等修剪单个权重以压缩模型尺寸【Song Han, Huizi Mao, and William J Dally. Deep compression:
Compressing deep neural networks with pruning】。
近年来,Hu和Li等聚焦于CNN中的通道修剪,而不是单个权重,该方法删除了整个权重过滤器【Hengyuan Hu, Rui Peng, Yu-Wing Tai, and Chi-Keung Tang. Network trimming:
A data-driven neuron pruning approach towards efficient deep architectures. arXiv preprint arXiv:
1607.03250, 2016】。
传统的通道剪枝方法主要依靠数据驱动的稀疏度约束【Zehao Huang and Naiyan Wang. Data-driven sparse structure selection for deep neural networks. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pages 304-320, 2018】或人为设计的策略【Yihui He, Xiangyu Zhang, and Jian Sun. Channel pruning for accelerating very deep neural networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 1389-1397, 2017】。
AutoML(Automated Machine Learning)
AutoML方法基于反馈循环【Jiahui Yu, Linjie Yang, Ning Xu, Jianchao Yang, and Thomas Huang. Slimmable neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:
1812.08928, 2018】或强化学习【Yihui He, Ji Lin, Zhijian Liu, Hanrui Wang, Li-Jia Li, and Song Han. Amc:
Automl for model compression and acceleration on mobile devices. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pages 784-800, 2018】,以迭代模式自动修剪通道。
元学习(Meta Learning)
权重预测是指神经网络的权重是由另一个神经网络预测的,而非直接学习【David Ha, Andrew Dai, and Quoc V Le. Hypernetworks. arXiv preprint arXiv:
1609.09106, 2016】。
元学习可用于零样本学习(few/zero-shot learning)【Sachin Ravi and Hugo Larochelle. Optimization as a model for few-shot learning. 2016】和转移学习【Yu-Xiong Wang and Martial Hebert. Learning to learn:
Model regression networks for easy small sample learning. In European Conference on Computer Vision, pages 616-634. Springer, 2016】。
神经网络架构搜索(Neural Architecture Search)
神经网络架构搜索通过强化学习【Barret Zoph and Quoc V Le. Neural architecture search with reinforcement learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:
1611.01578,2016】,遗传算法【Lingxi Xie and Alan Yuille. Genetic cnn. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 1379-1388, 2017.】或基于梯度【Bichen Wu, Xiaoliang Dai, Peizhao Zhang, Yanghan Wang, Fei Sun, YimingWu, Yuandong Tian, Peter Vajda, Yangqing Jia, and Kurt Keutzer. Fbnet:
Hardware-aware efficient convnet design via differentiable neural architecture search. arXiv preprint arXiv:
1812.03443, 2018.】的方法找到最佳的网络结构和超参数。