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【文献情报】|J. Hazard. Mater|青藏高原东北部高原地区土壤中潜在有毒元素和微塑料的综合评价!

R语言与水文生态环境  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-12 00:02


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  • 期刊: Journal of Hazardous materials

  • 中科院分区: 1区 环境科学与生态学

  • 影响因子(IF):13.6

  • 第一作者:Apurva Kakade

  • 通讯作者:Ruijun Long

  • 第一作者单位:State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-Ecosystems, College of Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China

  • 原位连接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2025.137453

  • (1)构建了大尺度区域河流微塑料分析框架;

  • (2)微塑料( MPs )在草地( GLs )中的含量高于农田( FLs );
  • (3)微塑料的物理化学结构对其吸附金属的能力有很大的影响;组合风险指数将3个GL置于风险等级VI下,1个FL置于风险等级III下;
  • (4)与全球低地土壤类似,青藏高原的MP水平也在上升。
作为通往青藏高原( QTP )风景区的门户,对东北部地区5个草地( GLs )和3个农田( FLs )土壤进行了调查。初步检测表明,放牧和农业土壤中元素浓度( Fe > Zn > Cr > Cu > Pb > Co > As > Cd )分别高达37和10 mg / g,但除Cd外均在中国土壤标准范围内,而微塑料( MPs )丰度分别为200 ~ 3640和280 ~ 973个/ kg。GLs中的聚丙烯( PP : 40 ~ 55OV00 %)主要以碎片形式存在,而FLs中的聚乙烯( PE : 72 ~ 92OV00 %)主要以薄膜形式存在。吸附结果表明,潜在毒性元素( PTEs ) -微塑料的相互作用可能主要取决于它们在土壤中的类型和形态、微塑料的物理化学结构和周围环境条件。综合二维风险评价将5个GLs中的3个划分为风险等级VI (高污染),3个FLs中的1个划分为风险等级III (中度污染)。相关分析表明,海拔、有机质、土壤黏粒含量和降水量显著影响PTEs ( p ≤ 0.01),而MPs受海拔、土壤黏粒含量、降水量( p ≤ 0.001)和人口密度( p ≤ < 0.05)的影响。与全球低地土壤相比,由于扩大的开发,QTP被指定为MPs的脆弱地区。总的来说,我们的研究为理解高地的污染情景提供了一个数据集,以便对其进行有针对性的管理。

Fig. 1. Sampling points of the study areas from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (the in-set blue area is the whole QTP).

Fig. 2. Concentration of PTEs (mg/g) in the grassland (GL: a ) and farmland (FL: b ) soils of Hongyuan (HY), Tianzhu (TZ), Shandan (SD), Nierong (NR), and Maqu (MQ). In Fig. a, the standards used for HY, NR, and MQ are based on soil pH > 7.5, while for TZ and SD is from 6.5 to 7.5 as presented in Table 1 and Table S1 ; correlation of metals with environmental factors in GL ( c ) and FL ( d ) soils. *OM = Organic matter, Temp = Temperature, Precip = Precipitation, PD = Population density, NA: Not Available (the permissible limit for Fe was not available).

Fig. 3. Abundance of MPs in the grassland (GL) and farmland (FL) soils of the studied areas ( a ); comparison of average MPs abundance in our study with other eastern QTP studies ( b ); correlation of MPs with environmental variables in GL ( c ) and FL ( d ).*MP conc = MPs concentration, OM = Organic matter, Temp = Temperature, Precip = Precipitation, PD = Population density.

Fig. 4. Graphs showing the characteristics of microplastics in the grassland (GL) and farmland (FL) soils. ( a ) shapes; ( b ) colors (dual color: black-grey/black-white); ( c ) polymer types. * PES = Polyester; CA = Cellulose acetate, Uni = Unidentified; PET = Polyethylene terephthalate; PP = Polypropylene; PE = Polyethylene; HY = Hon gyuan; TZ = Tianzhu; SD = Shandan; NR = Nierong; MQ = Maqu.

Fig. 5. Concentration and type of PTEs adsorbed by different polymers as compared to soil background concentration of PTEs. ( a ) Hongyuan grassland; ( b ) Hon gyuan farmland; ( c ) Tianzhu grassland; ( d ) Tianzhu farmland; ( e ) Shandan grassland (PE was not included due to inadequate sample); ( f ) Shandan farmland, ( g ) Nierong grassland; ( h ) Maqu grassland. *Un = Unidentified.

Fig. 6. Risk assessment of microplastic polymers (MPs) and potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the grasslands and farmlands. ( a ) Pollution Load Index of PTEs; ( b ) Potential Ecological Risk Index of PTEs; ( c ) Pollution Load Index of MPs; ( d ) Potential Ecological Risk Index of MPs. * MQ = Maqu; NR = Nierong; SD = Shandan (CA was excluded due to unavailability of its toxicity score); TZ = Tianzhu; HY = Hongyuan; CL = Contamination Level; RL = Risk Level. The dotted lines indicate the limits of pollution levels based on Table S3 .

Fig. 7. Potential ecological risk index (TRI) from each studied PTE in the GL ( a ) and FL ( b ) locations (HY = Hongyuan; TZ = Tianzhu; SD = Shandan; NR = Nierong; MQ = Maqu). The colored horizontal dotted lines denote the limit of risk levels (RL) based on Table S5 .

Fig. 8. Potential ecological risk indexes (TRI and SRI) from each identified MP polymer (CA was excluded due to unavailability of its toxicity score) and shape in the GL ( a and b ) and FL ( c and d ) locations (HY = Hongyuan; TZ = Tianzhu; SD =
