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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-10 11:59




2023年8月20日,注册会计师Eugene Amo-Dadzie跑入世界田径锦标赛100米半决赛中,成为世界上最快的会计师,他力图打破人们对会计师的刻板印象,要证明会计师并不无聊。
Eugene Amo-Dadzie 的LinkedIn介绍, 他拥有10年以上ACA执业经验,是英国100米短跑运动员和世界最快会计师。
6月底,他在LinkedIn发文称自己 将于6月29日参加英国队的奥运选拔赛!
然而, 他最终并未获得参赛资格 他称: 没能代表英国队参加巴黎奥运会的4x100米接力赛,我感到非常失望和沮丧 。就像过山车一样,高潮和低谷来得一样快。 作为一名ACA特许会计师 ,我经历过许多高压和高绩效的环境。就像在会议室一样,我的思维变得敏锐了,解决问题的能力也增强了。没有什么比得上运动。到目前为止,这是一段美妙而混乱的旅程。不过,我可以被击倒,但不会沉沦。”
再早之前,他发文透露: 很高兴能帮助英国队获得2024年巴黎奥运会4x100米接力赛的席位 他们的五个接力队都获得了参赛资格。 不过他是否能够最终参与奥运会比赛还有待确定。
Eugene Amo-Dadzie在采访中多次提到自己会计师的身份。 他目前是圣乔治公司(St George PLC)的一名高级经理。 对自己的会计资格感到无比自豪。 他称:“ 父母逼我去上学,努力学习,取得资格。我一直渴望在公司升职。”
Amo-Dadzie 的领英资料, 加入伯克利集团之前,他曾任Grant Thornton UK LLP的助理经理。



2024年1月份,Eugene Amo-Dadzie曾表示他在为巴黎奥运会努力。去年6月,Eugene Amo-Dadzie在100米比赛中首次冲过10秒的障碍,震惊了所有人, 然后以31岁的年龄获得了他第一次参加世界田径锦标赛的资格。
2023年8月20日 Amo-Dadzie休年假参加世界田径锦标赛,在预赛中排名第二, 冠军为Zharnel Hughes,英国选手Reece Prescod为 第三位,他们均 进入了半决赛。 Amo-Dadzie 在半决赛中以10.03秒的成绩排名第10,没能进入决赛。
这次 世界4x100米接力赛 英国队获得第四名,与 奖牌擦肩而过。 这次只会让他更加渴望在巴黎奥运会上取得更好的成绩,他相信4x100米代表队完全有机会获得金牌。他说:“我们在世锦赛上离冠军很近,所以雄心勃勃。”
值得注意的是,这次成功是在他退出这项运动之后取得的。他小时候跑了11秒30, 直到2018年才复出。
Eugene Amo-Dadzie 说:“我是一名注册会计师。我一路走到了我运动的巅峰。所以我的目标是激励那些依靠自己才能的人。因为开始永远不会太迟。”
也不排除 Eugene Amo-Dadzie 在个人100米比赛中取得好成绩的可能。他说: 我的年龄很容易被人看低,说我'肯定不行'。但Linford Christie获得奥运会冠军时也已经32岁。”



他的一个朋友告诉他,他必须认真尝试短跑,所以 Eugene Amo-Dadzie决定试一下 但他也拒绝放弃他努力工作的事业。
五年前,当他第一次认真对待短跑时, Eugene Amo-Dadzie 跑出了10.90秒。
他的教练Steve Fudge是英国赛场上最受尊敬的人物之一。 Fudge表示:“ Eugene Amo-Dadzie有一种独特的天赋,学东西很快。他处理事情的速度比我合作过的任何运动员都快。
在奥运年,Amo-Dadzie的优先事项不会受到影响。2024年1月份,有媒体报道,他将继续从事会计工作,但他知道自己今年能跑进9.80秒。如果他能做到这一点,那么他将与Noah Lyles等世界顶尖选手一决高下,有机会赢得一枚奥运奖牌。
Eugene Amo-Dadzie is banking on a golden summer in Paris away from the day job after his belated breakthrough at the age of 31
“I have no idea what my ceiling is,” says Eugene Amo-Dadzie, AKA the world’s fastest accountant, as he starts to dream about the next chapter of his extraordinary journey and the Paris Olympics. “I have a beautiful story. And I am just going to keep rocking and rolling.”
The old adage is that life begins at 30, but it rarely applies in sport. Yet last June, Amo-Dadzie stunned everyone by crashing through the 10-second barrier for 100m for the first time, before qualifying for his first World Athletics Championships at the age of 31.
He then had to take annual leave from his day job, working at a subsidiary of Berkeley Group, St George plc, to compete in Budapest. More remarkably still, this success came after he quit the sport for the best part of a decade – having run 11.30sec as a child – and having only returned in 2018 after jibes from his mates about wasting his talent.
“I’ve gone from a nine to five to running a nine-point something in the 100 metres,” Amo-Dadzie says. “I’m a civilian. I’m a chartered accountant. And I went from that to the pinnacle of my sport. So my aim is to inspire people who are sitting on their own talents. Because it is never too late to start.”
If Hollywood was writing his scripts, Amo-Dadzie would have ended up with a gold medal in Budapest. That didn’t happen, but he still beat the Olympic champion, Marcell Jacobs, in his individual 100m semi-final before coming within 0.02sec of a world 4x100m relay medal, as he anchored the GB team to fourth. That near miss has merely fuelled his thirst to do even better in Paris and he believes the 4x100m team have every chance of gold. “We got so close at the world championships, so the ambition is there,” he says.
Amo-Dadzie doesn’t rule out marking a mark in the individual 100m either. “My age is an easy thing to poke at and be like ‘surely not’. But Linford Christie was 32 when he won the Olympics,” he says. “Of course I’m saying it a little bit tongue in cheek but that’s the level of confidence I have in what God has given me. I am putting no limits on what I can do in my life.”
Amo-Dadzie is also quick to praise another person of faith, the UK Athletics’ head of sprints, Darren Campbell, for helping him make the transition from Civvy Street to elite athlete. “We have a great working and personal relationship,” he says. “As a sprinter he got to the levels that I’m aspiring to reach. So when one of the GB sprinting GOATs speaks, I listen and learn.”
It helps, too, that last autumn Amo-Dadzie was put on UK Sport’s national lottery-funded world class programme for the first time, meaning he now works as an accountant for three days a week and can spend more time working on his speed and technique. “Believe it or not I got to a world championship last year seeing my coach, Steve Fudge, twice a week,” he says. “Now it’s more like three or four times.”
Amo-Dadzie now also has a sponsor, Carnegie Consulting, a financial services recruiting company. While the major shoe brands are yet to come knocking, he jokes that this will give him the flexibility to trade on his world’s fastest accountant moniker when he races in the summer. “I’ll be doing my own thing and then having a bit of fun,” he says, “Wearing a tie and that kind of thing.”
Mostly, though, he wants to let his running do the talking. “Last year I beat Ferdinand Omanyala, who ran 9.77, making him the ninth quickest man in history, as well as Jacobs,” he says. “So I can beat the top guys. Every sprinter has to back themselves when they hit that start line. And I am no different.”
Sprinters hold the enviable position of competing at an Olympics with arguably the biggest crowd cheering them on in the stadium and, when it comes to the 100m finals, often billions of people watching on via TVs and digital devices.
For that moment, most sprinters spend every four years doing nothing but preparing for that nine-to-10 seconds of pure speed and, hopefully, immortality. They live, eat, breath, sleep and repeat sprinting. They do nothing else.
That is unless you are Eugene Amo-Dadzie. He wants to be the fastest man in the world come the Paris Olympics 100m final in August and take the gold for Team GB. If he does that, it won't be the only thing he does quickly – as he is already the 'world's fastest accountant'.
"I still don't refer to myself as a sprinter, I'm a chartered accountant, the world's fastest accountant! I'm unbelievably proud of my accountancy qualifications. My parents pushed me to go to school, work hard, qualify. I've had those aspirations of climbing the corporate ladder," said Amo-Dadzie.
You may ask yourself why, if Amo-Dadzie has his chartered accountancy qualifications and is climbing the corporate ladder - he is a senior manager at St George PLC - how old is he and how long has he been a sprinter?
The answer is he's 31 and has only been running seriously since he was 26. Before that he played football and rugby and gave athletics "a bit of a go at school". Athletics was not a career path or something he considered.
That is what marks Amo-Dadzie out as different, for 100m sprinters tend to be sprinters from their teenage years. If they are of international standard they will be funded and can most probably make a very good living just being an athlete. But not Eugene.
A mate of his told him he had to give sprinting a serious go, so Amo-Dadzie did - but he also refused to give up a career he's worked hard at.
"It's always a balancing act, but lines of communication are open, I've never felt any pressure to drop one," he said.
So, is Amo-Dadzie any good? Or is this another quirky story? Well, that is up to you to decide...
Five years ago when he first took sprinting seriously, Amo-Dadzie ran 10.90 seconds. Last year, he ran 9.93 seconds. He's a sub-10 second 100m sprinter, which is no mean feat. He reached the 100m semi-finals at the World Championships and is getting quicker.
Steve Fudge, his coach, is one of the most respected figures on the British scene. Fudge doesn't suffer fools, and sees something different in the Rainham native.
"Eugene has a unique gift of learning things very quickly," said Fudge. "He has an ability to process things quicker than any other athlete I've worked with. He glides on the track, only a few in the world can do it. It's like he's on one of those travelators at an airport."
In an Olympic year, the Paris games are seven months away and Amo-Dadzie's priorities won't be compromised. He will continue to work as an accountant, but he knows he can run 9.80 seconds this year. If he does that, then going on times against the best in the world - Noah Lyles et al - he's winning an Olympic medal.
"Yes, I'm making life harder for myself," he added. "There are nine guys ahead of me who don't have this massive other thing in their lives, a career, a nine-to-five. Someone give me a reason why the world's fastest accountant can't make the Olympic final though?"



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