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Frontiers of Law in China 2017年第一期目录

高教学术  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-06-06 11:32


Frontiers of Law in China

Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2017

Focus: Public Participation in Environmental Protection (环境保护中的公众参与)

Editor's Note (编者话)

ZHU Xiao

Business Enterprises and the Environmental Information Act in Norway (挪威商业个体责任和《环境信息法案》)

Hans Petter Graver 

Development of Environmental Rights in China: Substantive Environmental Rights or Procedural Environmental Rights (中国环境权的发展:实质性环境权还是程序性环境权)

ZHU Xiao, WANG Shenghang, Eva-Maria Ehemann   

Environmental Information Disclosure in China: In the Era of Informatization and Big Data (信息化和大数据时代下的中国环境信息公开)

ZHANG Lei, Arthur P. J. Mol, YANG Shuai


The Availability of Class Arbitration for Silent Agreements: Contract Interpretation Theory or Arbitrability Doctrine? (仲裁协议未明确时集体仲裁的可用性:合同解释理论抑或可仲裁性理论?)

DU Huanfang, XU Chuanlei

Corporate Governance with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of State-Owned Enterprises (具有中国特色的公司治理——以国有企业为案例)

Razeen Sappideen

Doing Fieldwork on Criminal Justice in China (在中国刑事司法领域做田野调查)

FU Xin 

Anti-Monopoly Perspectives of Chinese Public Air Transport Market (中国公共航空运输市场——以反垄断为视角)

JIN Meirong

Academic News        

International Dispute Resolution on “One Belt and One Road” Conference by RENMIN Law School (“一带一路”倡议下的法律纠纷解决国际研讨会)

YUAN Hui   


Articles available at:





Frontiers of Law in China (FLC) published by Higher Education Press, aims to provide aforum for the publication of peer-reviewed papers to promote communication and cooperation among global jurists and legal practitioners in China and abroad. The journal publishes quarterly, and it particularly encourages articles that inspire and contribute to the status quo and development of legal system of China. Topics for publication include all main branches of law, including jurisprudence, civil and commercial law, economic law, environmental law, IP law, criminal law, procedural law, administrative law, international law, and legalhistory. FLC is indexed by ESCI, HeinOnline, ProQuest, Gale, etc. The journal’s editorial board consists of eminent scholars in the field of law both in China and abroad. Editor-in-Chief: ZHU Jingwen (朱景文), Renmin University of China. Associate Editors-in-Chief: ZHU Yan (朱岩), Renmin University of China; ZANG Dongsheng (臧东升), University of WashingtonUSA.