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Frontiers of Law in China 2017年第一期目录

高教学术  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-06-06 11:32


Frontiers of Law in China

Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2017

Focus: Public Participation in Environmental Protection ( 环境保护中的公众参与)

Editor's Note (编者话)

ZHU Xiao

Business Enterprises and the Environmental Information Act in Norway (挪威商业个体责任和《环境信息法案》)

Hans Petter Graver

Development of Environmental Rights in China: Substantive Environmental Rights or Procedural Environmental Rights (中国环境权的发展:实质性环境权还是程序性环境权)

ZHU Xiao, WANG Shenghang, Eva-Maria Ehemann

Environmental Information Disclosure in China: In the Era of Informatization and Big Data ( 信息化和大数据时代下的 中国环境信息公开)

ZHANG Lei, Arthur P. J. Mol, YANG Shuai


The Availability of Class Arbitration for Silent Agreements: Contract Interpretation Theory or Arbitrability Doctrine? (仲裁协议未明确时集体仲裁的可用性:合同解释理论抑或可仲裁性理论?)

DU Huanfang, XU Chuanlei

Corporate Governance with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of State-Owned Enterprises (具有中国特色的公司治理——以国有企业为案例)

Razeen Sappideen

Doing Fieldwork on Criminal Justice in China (在中国刑事司法领域做田野调查)

FU Xin

Anti-Monopoly Perspectives of Chinese Public Air Transport Market (中国公共航空运输市场——以反垄断为视角)

JIN Meirong
