专栏名称: 机器学习研究会
机器学习研究会是北京大学大数据与机器学习创新中心旗下的学生组织,旨在构建一个机器学习从事者交流的平台。除了及时分享领域资讯外,协会还会举办各种业界巨头/学术神牛讲座、学术大牛沙龙分享会、real data 创新竞赛等活动。
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机器学习研究会  · 公众号  · AI  · 2017-03-24 19:52


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To round out the week, I thought I’d take a selection of fun papers from the ‘More papers from 2016’ section of top 100 awesome deep learning papers list.

The texture networks paper we’ve covered before, so the link in the above list is to The Morning Paper write-up (but I felt like it belonged in this group nevertheless).

Colorful image colorization

Given a grayscale photograph as input, this paper attacks the problem of hallucinating a plausible color version of the photograph.

How is this possible? Well, we’ve seen that networks can learn what various parts of the image represent. If you see enough images you can learn that grass is (usually) green, the sky is (sometimes!) blue, and ladybirds are red. The network doesn’t have to recover the actual ground truth colour, just a plausible colouring.

Therefore, our task becomes much more achievable: to model enough of the statistical dependencies between the semantics and the textures of grayscale images and their color versions in order to produce visually compelling results.

Results like this:

Training data for the colourisation task is plentiful – pretty much any colour photo will do. The tricky part is finding a good loss function – as we’ll see soon, many loss functions produce images that look desaturated, whereas we want vibrant realistic images.

The network is based on image data using the CIE Lab colourspace . Grayscale images have only the lightness, L, channel, and the goal is to predict the a (green-red) and b (blue-yellow) colour channels. The overall network architecture should look familiar by now, indeed so familiar that supplementary details are pushed to an accompanying website .

(That website page is well worth checking out by the way, it even includes a link to a demo site on Algorithmia where you can try the system out for yourself on your own images ).

Colour prediction is inherently multi-modal , objects can take on several plausible colourings. Apples for example may be red, green, or yellow, but are unlikely to be blue or orange. To model this, the prediction is a distribution of possible colours for each pixel. A typical objective function might use e.g. Euclidean loss between predicted and ground truth colours.

However, this loss is not robust to the inherent ambiguity and multimodal nature of the colorization problem. If an object can take on a set of distinct ab values, the optimal solution to the Euclidean loss will be the mean of the set. In color prediction, this averaging effect favors grayish, desaturated results. Additionally, if the set of plausible colorizations is non-convex, the solution will in fact be out of the set, giving implausible results.

What can we do instead? The ab output space is divided into bins with grid size 10, and the top Q = 313 in-gamut (within the range of colours we want to use) are kept:

The network learns a mapping to a probability distribution over these Q colours (a Q-dimensional vector). The ground truth colouring is also translated into a Q-dimensional vector, and the two are compared using a multinomial cross entropy loss. Notably this includes a weighting term to rebalance loss based on colour-class rarity.

The distribution of ab values in natural images is strongly biased towards values with low ab values, due to the appearance of backgrounds such as clouds, pavement, dirt, and walls. Figure 3(b) [below] shows the empirical distribution of pixels in ab space, gathered from 1.3M training images in ImageNet. Observethat the number of pixels in natural images at desaturated values are orders of magnitude higher than for saturated values. Without accounting for this, the loss function is dominated by desaturated ab values.

The final predicted distribution then needs to be mapped to a point estimated in ab space. Taking the mode of the predicted distribution leads to vibrant but sometimes spatially inconsistent results (see RH column below). Taking the mean brings back another form of the desaturation problem (see LH column below).

To try to get the best of both worlds, we interpolate by re-adjusting the temperature T of the softmax distribution, and taking the mean of the result. We draw inspiration from the simulated annealing technique, and thus refer to the operation as taking the annealed-mean of the distribution.

Here are some more colourings from a network trained on ImageNet, which were rated by Amazon Mechanical Turk participants to see how lifelike they are.

And now for my very favourite part of the paper:

Since our model was trained using “fake” grayscale images generated by stripping ab channels from color photos, we also ran our method on real legacy black and white photographs, as shown in Figure 8 (additional results can be viewed on our project webpage). One can see that our model is still able to produce good colorizations, even though the low-level image statistics of the legacy photographs are quite different from those of the modern-day photos on which it was trained.

Aren’t they fabulous! Especially the Migrant Mother colouring.

The representations learned by the network also proved useful for object classification, detection, and segmentation tasks.

Generative visual manipulation on the natural image manifold

So we’ve just seen that neural networks can help us with our colouring. But what about those of us that are more artistically challenged and have a few wee issues making realistic looking drawings (or alterations to existing drawings) in the first place? In turns out that generative adversarial neural networks can help.

It’s a grand sounding paper title, but you can think of it as “Fiddling about with images while ensuring they still look natural.” I guess that wouldn’t look quite so good in the conference proceedings ;).

Today, visual communication is sadly one-sided. We all perceive information in the visual form (through photographs, paintings, sculpture, etc), but only a chosen few are talented enough to effectively express themselves visually… One reason is the lack of “safety wheels” in image editing: any less-than-perfect edit immediately makes the image look completely unrealistic. To put another way, classic visual manipulation paradigm does not prevent the user from “falling off” the manifold of natural images.

As we know, GANs can be trained to learn effective representations of natural looking images (“ the manifold of natural images “). So let’s do that, but then instead of using the trained GAN to generate images, use it as a constraint on the output of various image manipulation operations, to make sure the results lie on the learned manifold at all times . The result is an interactive tool that helps you make realistic looking alterations to existing images. It helps to see the tool in action, you can see a video here . The authors also demonstrate ‘generative transformation’ of one image to look more like another, and my favourite, creating a new image from scratch based on a user’s sketch.

The intuition for using GANs to learn manifold approximations is that they have been shown to produce high-quality samples, and that Euclidean distance in the latent space often corresponds to a perceptually meaningful visual similarity. This means we can also perform interpolation between points in the latent space.
