专栏名称: 魔都晨曦来临
Shanghai Morning Herald by Boarhead Club
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魔都晨曦来临  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-27 05:12


Dr. Boarhead’s Summary of Global Updates on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus: 27 April 2021

1. 《柳叶刀》: BBIBP-CorV 疫苗或 ZF2001 疫苗接种者的 24 份血清样本均在很大程度上保持了对 B.1.351 毒株的中和作用。但与野生型或 D614G 毒株相比,这两种疫苗对该毒株激发产生的中和抗体几何平均滴度略低。 ( 4 月 13 日)

[关键信息] BBIBP-CorV 与 ZF2001 疫苗对 B.1.351 毒株的有效性略低于对野生型病毒或 D614G 毒株的有效性。

Lancet : All 24 serum samples from either recipients of the BBIBP-CorV vaccine or those of the ZF2001 vaccine largely preserved neutralization of the B.1.351 strain, with slightly reduced geometric mean titers of neutralizing antibodies compared with their titers against the wild type or D614G strain. <13 Apr.>

[key info] BBIBP-CorV and ZF2001 are slightly less effective against the B.1.351 strain than against the wild type or D614G strain.


2. 《柳叶刀》: 血清检测呈阳性的年轻成年人再次感染新冠病毒的风险约为血清阴性者的五分之一。尽管首次感染产生的抗体具有很大的保护作用,但不能保证具备有效中和活性或使人免于再次感染。 ( 4 月 15 日)

[关键信息] 血清检测呈阳性的年轻成年人的感染风险约为血清阴性者的五分之一,但并非彻底免于再次感染。

Lancet : Seropositive young adults had about one-fifth the risk of subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with seronegative individuals. Although antibodies induced by initial infection are largely protective, they do not guarantee effective neutralization activity or immunity against subsequent infection. <15 Apr.>

[key info] Seropositive young adults are about one-fifth less susceptible to infection than seronegative ones, but they are not completely immune from reinfection.


3. 路透社: 中国政府正计划最晚于 7 月批准使用德国拜恩泰科的新冠疫苗。如经批准,它将成为首支在华获批的国外新冠疫苗。去年 12 月,中国政府与拜恩泰科及其在华合作企业上海复星医药签订协议,订购 1 亿剂疫苗。 ( 4 月 16 日)

[关键信息] 中国很可能批准使用拜恩泰科的新冠疫苗。

Reuters: China is planning to authorize the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Germany’s BioNTech by July. If approved, it would become the first foreign COVID-19 vaccine to be authorized in the country. China reached an agreement for 100 million doses of the BioNTech vaccine in December, via a deal with the German company and its local partner Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group. <16 Apr.>

[key info] China is likely to approve BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine.


4. medRxiv: 体内含罕见的大流行前新冠病毒抗体并不能预防感染病毒,但若体内常见 β 冠状病毒抗体滴度更高,症状持续时间显著缩短。 ( 4 月 19 日)

[关键信息] 体内常见 β 冠状病毒抗体滴度更高的新冠患者康复期更短。

medRxiv: People with rare, pre-pandemic antibodies that work against SARS-CoV-2 were not protected from contracting the virus. However, the duration of symptoms was significantly reduced in individuals with higher common betacoronavirus antibody titers. <19 Apr.>

[key info] It takes less time for COVID-19 patients with higher common betacoronavirus antibody titers to recover.


5. 《巴西报道》: 巴西卫生监管局批准对中国四川三叶草生物制药公司研发的候选疫苗进行二、三期临床试验。这项研究将包含来自拉丁美洲、欧洲、亚洲、非洲的 30000 名志愿者。继阿斯利康、科兴、辉瑞、强生、Medicago—葛兰素史克的新冠疫苗试验后,这是巴西批准开展临床试验的第六种疫苗。 ( 4 月 19 日)

[关键信息] 巴西批准对新一种中国研发的新冠疫苗开展临床试验。

Brazilian Report : Brazilian health regulator Anvisa has approved phases 2 and 3 clinical trials for a potential vaccine developed by Chinese firm Sichuan Clover Biopharmaceuticals. The study will involve 30,000 volunteers from countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. This will be the sixth COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial approved in Brazil—after those of AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Medicago-GSK. <19 Apr.>

[key info] Brazil greenlights clinical trials of a new Chinese COVID-19 vaccine.


6. 《新英格兰医学杂志》: 在接种完第二针辉瑞或莫德纳疫苗至少两周的 417 人中,两名女性出现突破性感染。病毒测序显示,多种变异株或具有重要的临床意义,一名女性体内检出 E484K 变异株,两名女性体内都检出 T95I 、del142–144 、D614G 三种变异株。 ( 4 月 21 日)

[关键信息] 疫苗接种成功后仍可能感染多种变异株。

New England Journal of Medicine : Of 417 persons who had received the second dose of Pfizer’s or Moderna’s vaccine at least 2 weeks previously, two women with vaccine breakthrough infection were identified. Viral sequencing revealed variants of likely clinical importance, including E484K in 1 woman and 3 mutations (T95I, del142–144, and D614G) in both. <21 Apr.>

[key info] There is a potential risk of subsequent infection with variants after successful vaccination.

