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#美中40年# #50州# 密歇根州已与中国发展了紧密的商业关系

美国驻华大使馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-03 18:12


#美中40年# #50州# #密歇根州# 密歇根州已与中国发展了紧密的商业关系。自2012年来,密歇根经济发展公司的国际贸易项目已带领了9个贸易代表团来到中国。密歇根州还很自豪,它的中国投资总额在50个州中排名第三。有300多家中国公司位于密歇根州,代表了超过40亿美元的中国投资。为了确认这些紧密的商业联系,在2016年,密歇根-中国创新中心在底特律成立,由密歇根经济发展公司资助。密歇根-中国创新中心推动密歇根州在中国的商业吸引力,并负责管理关键的中国政府和商业关系。更多信息,请访问 michiganchina.org。   

#U.S.-China 40 years#



Michigan has developed a strong business relationship with China.  The Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s International Trade Program has led nine trade missions to China since 2012.  Michigan is also proud to have the third largest number of Chinese investments among all 50 states.  More than 300 Chinese firms are located in Michigan, representing more than $4 billion in Chinese investment.  To recognize these close business ties, in 2016 the Michigan-China Innovation Center was established in Detroit and funded by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.  The Michigan-China Innovation Center manages Michigan’s business attraction efforts in China and is responsible for managing key Chinese government and business relationships.  For more information, please visit michiganchina.org.