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【经济学人】川普要对经济做些什么 | 2016.11.12 | 总第731期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-11 05:24



Good Morning!昨天因为小编的失误,导致后台文章运行错误,在这里跟关注我们的亲爱们说声“抱歉啦”,昨天也没有很好的收到亲爱们的意见和评论回复,小编知错了(伤心脸T_T)弱弱地提一句,希望亲爱们还可以一如既往的不嫌弃小编,继续关注小编,时刻给小编予以回应和您的意见呢,嘻嘻。距离考研时间已经不多了咯,各位正在努力的亲爱们,要加油,坚持下去呀,不管是马上要考了的,还是未来要参加考研的,都要好好坚持下去,小编一直陪着你们哟!!!要相信,未来是属于我们的^.^好啦,开始今天的《经济学人》之旅吧。




Trump and the economy


Strap up


Congress can constrain only parts of Donald Trump’s economic policy


Nov 12th 2016 | WASHINGTON, DC | From the print edition


MARKET reaction to Donald Trump’s win has been something between sanguine and elated. But if you set out to design policies to do long-term harm to the economy, you might end up with something resembling Mr Trump’s agenda. The next president threatens to erect trade barriers, which would disrupt supply chains and dampen productivity growth. He wants to deport many of America’s 11m illegal immigrants, which could reduce the size of the labour force by up to 5%. And his tax plan is ruinously expensive, costing almost $7trn over a decade, or around half of America’s outstanding national debt .


  • Sanguine ['sæŋgwɪn] :充满信心的;乐观的

  • Resemble [rɪ'zemb(ə)l] :v.类似;相似;相像

  • Ruinously ['rʊɪnəsli] :毁灭地;毁灭似地;败坏地

  • outstanding debt:未偿债务;未还债款

How much damage is President Trump actually likely to do? That depends first on how much of his policy he can get enacted. Until recently, his tax cuts would have been vulnerable to a Democratic filibuster in the Senate. But thanks to a rule change in the latest budget deal, the Republicans can now pass even unfunded tax cuts with only a simple majority, explains Richard Kogan of the Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities, a think-tank. (To do so, they must include sunset clauses, as George W. Bush did when he cut taxes in 2001.)

川普总统究竟会造成多大的损失呢?这首先取决于国家会颁布多少他制定的政策。直到最近,其减税政策已受到参议院民主党的阻挠。预算与优先政策中心(一个智囊团)的Richard Kogan解释道,但由于在最新的预算协议中规则有所改变,现在共和党人甚至可以以绝对优势通过注资减税。(这样做的话,他们必须包括“日落条款”,正如小布什在2001年减税时所做的那样。)


Congressional Republicans might moderate Mr Trump’s plan. The tax cuts Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives, wants are expensive, but much less so than Mr Trump’s (see chart). The corporate tax may end up at Mr Ryan’s proposed 20% rather than Mr Trump’s desired 15%. Mr Trump’s costly promise to offer the same rate to sole traders may not survive. Both men agree that there should be three tax rates for individuals (12%, 25% and 33%), but there will be debate over the generosity of deductions.


  • Moderate ['mɒd(ə)rət] :v.缓和;使适中;审核评分

  • sole traders:个体营业者;独资商人;独资营商者

Debt would rise significantly even under Mr Ryan’s plan. More borrowing will give the economy a boost in the short term. Mr Ryan’s tax cuts would be much bigger than Barack Obama’s fiscal stimulus in 2009. Add in the infrastructure spending Mr Trump also wants, and the economy could get much hotter, which helps to explain the rally in financial markets on November 9th. The question is to what extent this will jeopardise America’s long-term fiscal health.


  • Rally ['rælɪ] : v.召集;集合;复原;恢复健康

  • Jeopardise ['dʒepədaiz] : v.冒…的危险;危及;危害;损害

While Congress might rewrite the Trump tax plan, it has much less power to restrain Mr Trump’s protectionism. Existing laws allow the president to impose tariffs in very broadly defined circumstances, as Mr Trump gleefully noted during the campaign. He could use the president’s prerogative over foreign affairs to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement with just six months’ notice, according to the Peterson Institute, a think-tank.


  • Prerogative [prɪ'rɒgətɪv] : 特权;优先权

  • Withdraw [wɪð'drɔː] : v.撤回;提;撤离;停止提供

  • North American Free Trade Agreement : 北美自由贸易协定


Mr Trump has said that he is merely threatening to tear up trade agreements and impose tariffs, in order to achieve better trade deals. The goal of such new deals, according to his advisers, will be to eliminate the trade deficit. That is all but unachievable. The trade deficit is the result of low national saving , which will fall still further if the government borrows more. And no one knows how other countries will react to Mr Trump’s threats.


  • tear up : 撕毁;撕掉

  • national saving : 国民储蓄

Monetary policy is another cause for worry. Mr Trump has railed against low interest rates, saying they had stoked an economic bubble (a sentiment repeated by one of his advisers, to the Financial Times on November 9th). He also claimed that Janet Yellen, chairman of the Federal Reserve, was acting in an “obviously political” manner and “should be ashamed of herself”. This caused speculation that Ms Yellen might resign after a Trump victory. That seems unlikely; Fed chairmen have withstood presidential criticism before. But Ms Yellen will surely depart when her term expires in February 2018.

货币政策是引起忧虑的另一个原因。川普反对低利率,称这已经引发经济泡沫(这是他的其中一个顾问反复强调的观点,见于11月9日的金融时报)。他还声称,美联储主席Janet Yellen的所作所为是“明显的政治”行为,“她应该感到惭愧”。这也引发了一些猜测,如果川普赢了,Janet Yellen可能会辞职。不过这似乎不太可能,因为美联储主席之前也经受住了总统的批评。但Yellen女士在她2018年2月的任期满后是肯定会离开的。

  • railed against : 抱怨;责骂;嘲骂

  • Sentiment ['sentɪm(ə)nt] : 意见,观点;

  • Withstand [wɪð'stænd] : v.抵挡;顶住;反抗;反对

Who might Mr Trump nominate to replace her? In an interview before the election Stephen Moore, an economic adviser to Mr Trump, floated several names, including Larry Kudlow, a television pundit, Art Laffer, a private-sector economist, and Martin Feldstein, an academic, all of whom served in the Reagan administration. Most conservative economists like Mr Feldstein have been calling for tighter monetary policy for years; Mr Kudlow is an exception. If Mr Trump’s nominee is to reflect Republicans’ hawkishness, the expectation of higher interest rates will hang over the economy, though that may have bigger implications for economies outside America (see page 67).(读者翻译)

那么川普可能会提名谁来接替她呢?在选举前的一次采访中,川普的一名经济顾问Stephen Moore曾提到了几个名字,包括电视评论员Larry Kudlow,一个私营部门的经济学家Art Laffer,一个学术家Martin Feldstein,他们都曾在里根政府就职。大多数保守派经济学家,例如Feldstein,多年来一直在呼吁更紧缩的货币政策;但Kudlow是个例外。 期待您的翻译,您可以将翻译留言到文章底部,第二天会有详细解析哦。

  • Floated ['fləutid] : 透露,提到

  • Nominee [nɒmɪ'niː] :n.被提名人;候选人

With a big fiscal stimulus, though, higher rates might be needed to keep inflation down. That would send the dollar higher, hurting American manufacturers and increasing the lure
