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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-21 12:32


英国第六大会计师事务所Grant Thornton UK同意将股份出售给收购集团Cinven,此交易是英国会计行业迄今为止最重大的私募股权投资。交易细节尚未公开,但估计涉及金额巨大。此次交易标志着金融买家正在向更倾向于作为私人合伙企业运营的行业扩大影响力。


关键观点1: Grant Thornton UK决定出售股份给Cinven

作为英国第六大会计师事务所,Grant Thornton UK选择了Cinven作为投资者,此前有其他私募集团包括EQT参与竞购。

关键观点2: 交易规模和价格尚未公开


关键观点3: 金融买家对会计行业的影响扩大


关键观点4: Grant Thornton的财务业绩和策略

Grant Thornton UK去年的营收增长7%,营业利润增长18%。该公司已决定放弃对所谓“公共利益实体”的审计,但仍保持财务业绩的改善。此外,Grant Thornton在美国和爱尔兰的扩张策略也有所进展。

关键观点5: Cinven的其他金融投资

Cinven还拥有其他金融服务集团,包括今年收购的基金管理集团Alter Domus和德国人寿保险整合商Viridium。


近日,据《金融时报》报道, 英国第六大会计师事务所Grant Thornton UK已同意将股份出售给收购集团Cinven,这是英国会计行业迄今为止最重大的私募股权投资。
Cinven击败了包括瑞典私募集团EQT在内的其他私募集团,以及Grant Thornton在美国的姐妹公司提出的跨大西洋合并提议。
目前尚不清楚Cinven同意支付的股份规模和价格。 Grant Thornton英国曾聘请Rothschild的银行家进行拍卖, 合伙人希望该公司的估值达到约15亿英镑(折合人民币约137.5亿元)。一位知情人士表示,此前该公司的估值已达到约13亿英镑 (折合人民币约119亿元)
金融买家正在向一个历史上更倾向于作为私人合伙企业运营的行业扩大影响力。 本周早些时候, 美国排名前30的两家会计师事务所宣布向私募出售多数股权。
近年来, 会计师事务所一直在拓展金融和技术咨询等附加服务,私募股权也为事务所在信息技术和并购方面的投资提供了资金,并为现有合伙人带来 额外的收益
Grant Thornton US是美国最大的会计师事务所之一,其所有者New Mountain Capital已将目光投向了国际扩张。上个月,该公司签署了一项收购Grant Thornton Ireland的协议,并希望完成三方合并。
今年早些时候, Grant Thornton 美国和爱尔兰合并。
Grant Thornton 英国 表示:“在评估了外部环境后,我们已与一家投资者达成了初步协议,我们认为这家投资者最适合支持我们中期的加速增长。”
Grant Thornton 英国 去年的营收为6.54亿英镑,同比增长7%,营业利润增长18%,至1.46亿英镑。
Grant Thornton 去年被英国会计监管机构从最高级别的审计监管层降级。
Cinven还拥有其它金融服务集团,包括今年收购的基金管理集团Alter Domus,以及德国人寿保险整合商Viridium。

Grant Thornton UK, the country’s sixth largest accounting firm by revenue, has agreed to sell a stake to the buyout group Cinven, marking the most significant private equity investment to date in the UK accounting sector.

Cinven beat rival offers from other private equity groups including Sweden’s EQT, and from Grant Thornton’s sister firm in the US, which had proposed a transatlantic merger.

The size of the stake and the price that Cinven has agreed to pay could not immediately be learned. Grant Thornton UK had engaged bankers at Rothschild to run an auction that partners hoped would value the firm at about £1.5bn and one person familiar with the bidding said that it had earlier reached about £1.3bn.

Financial buyers have been extending their influence in a profession that has historically preferred to operate as private partnerships. Earlier this week, two top 30 US accountancy firms announced the sale of majority stakes to private equity.

Accounting firms have been expanding bolt-on services such as financial and technology consulting in recent years, and private equity has provided capital to accelerate investments in IT and merger and acquisitions activity, as well as providing a windfall for existing partners.

Grant Thornton US is the largest American accountancy firm to have sold a majority stake to private equity, and its owner New Mountain Capital has set its sights on international expansion. Last month, it inked a deal to acquire Grant Thornton Ireland and had hoped to complete a three-way merger.

However, the leaders of the UK sister firm decided they preferred to remain independent rather than fold the business into the US operation, according to people familiar with their thinking.

Grant Thornton UK said: “Having evaluated the external landscape, we have agreed initial terms with an investor, who we feel is best placed to support our accelerated growth in the medium term.

“The terms of any transaction remain confidential and are subject to ratification by the partnership and regulatory approval.”

Grant Thornton UK reported revenues of £654mn last year, a 7 per cent increase on the previous year, and an 18 per cent increase in operating profit to £146mn.

The improved financial results came despite moving away from auditing so-called “public interest entities” such as listed companies, banks and insurers, which can be lucrative but attract the highest level of regulatory scrutiny.

Grant Thornton was demoted last year from the UK accounting watchdog’s top tier of audit supervision.

Cinven owns other financial services groups including Alter Domus, a fund administration group it acquired this year, and German life insurance consolidator Viridium.

Cinven declined to comment.



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