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TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2019-09-20 20:40


对于考试来说,最好的练习素材当然是 往年考题 。不过题目总是 有限 的,题荒的小伙伴们可以尝试从 正反两面 来回答同一道题,这样能给自己创造和积累更多的 素材 哦!今天我们来看一下一些答题示范~


Q: Do you think having plastic surgery is a good idea?

Sample answer 1:【正面回答】

In my opinion, although there are many disadvantages associated with plastic surgery, the advantages of plastic surgery definitely outweigh the disadvantages. Obviously, the most common benefit of plastic surgery is that you will improve your appearance. For those with a physical deformity, plastic surgery is extremely helpful. From children born with cleft lips to burn victims, many people have their lives transformed by plastic surgery.

Moreover, psychologically speaking, it can engrain a greater sense of self-esteem, which is a lifetime benefit . Due to improved looks, the person may feel more comfortable and confident. Whether applying for a job, taking a class or going for a swim, plastic surgery can give people the confidence to go out and try something new.



R1: You improve your appearance. 提升颜值。

R2: It can engrain sense of self-esteem. 增加自尊感。

Sample answer 2:【反面回答】

I personally believe that having plastic surgery is a totally bad idea .

We are witnessing an overwhelming number of people who are having plastic surgery, and I regard it as symptomatic of a culture , which holds appearance in an overly high regard . When it comes to the topic of plastic surgery, one of the most startling examples is of a tragic adolescent who splashed all of her family’s savings in pursuit of a beautiful face. Unfortunately, the operation was unsuccessful and her face was ruined.

There is no doubt that this overly-aesthetic outlook is destroying our already limited passion and belief. This plastic surgery culture has been shaped by lowbrow programs ranging from Chinese idol shows to Korean soap operas. These shows imply that plastic surgery leads to beauty, success and happiness. Natural beauty should be held in a higher regard.


Opinion: 我认为整容不是一件好事

R1:  There is overwhelming number of people who are having plastic surgery and they are the product of a symptomatic culture. 因为社会病态对外表美的追求,整容成了压倒性的趋势

R2: There is no doubt that this overly-aesthetic outlook is destroying our already limited passion and belief. 毫无疑问,这种过度审美的观点正在摧毁我们有限的激情和信念。


Q: Do you agree or disagree that it is not good for children to know too soon about life’s difficulties? Give specific reasons to support your answer. (2018.5.12 CN)

Sample answer 1:【正面回答】

Some parents try their best to shelter children from life difficulties , as they believe that children are too young to face these difficulties, which harm their mentality. However , from my point of view, this effort actually harmed children’s ability to learn from misfortune and difficulties. Children are not as fragile and sensitive as we think. By facing adversity and getting passed it, children can develop the resilience . It can help them to get used to adult life easier when they grow up. What parents are supposed to do, is to explain difficulties in a manner appropriate for children’s age and teach them the positive attitude . Being positive in important because how they think about something shapes how they perceive it.


Opinion: It’s okay for children to learn about life difficulties at early age.

R1: By facing adversity and getting passed it, children can develop the resilience.面对过和经历过人生的艰难,小孩子们会培养出韧性。

R2: Parents should explain difficulties in a manner appropriate for children’s age and teach them the positive attitude. 家长们应该以小孩子能接受的方式向他们解释生活的艰难,并且教育他们要积极向上。

Sample answer 2:【反面回答】

In my opinion parents should not expose their children to life difficulties too early.

First, too much information destroys childhood innocence . Providing children with a happy childhood is crucial fortheir future development. Experts suggest that impression of having a happychildhood is associated with greater social connectedness, enhanced sense ofself, and healthy behaviours later in life. Although we cannot always shelterchildren from adversity, we should make sure they receive certain knowledge atthe appropriate age.

What’s more, there is no need for childrento learn about life’s difficulties too soon . Imagine that you have afour-year-old nephew, telling him about his family’s inadequate financialsituation would not do much good. This kid would not be able to neither savenor make money anyways.


Opinion: Parents should not expose their children to life difficulties too early.

R1: Too much information destroys childhood innocence. 太早知道人生艰辛会让孩子没有美好的童年。

R2: There is no need for children to learn life's struggling early as well. 孩子也不需要那么早了解生活的艰辛。

以上就是这次的分享~ 如果你还是觉得自己脑子不够用,想不多那么多理由,那就赶紧来参加语料虐炼吧!不仅有高质量的段子学习资料,往年真题答题示范和思路解析,每周更有特约讲座,经验丰富的coach小姐姐们为你解答各种备考问题, 快速有效提分。

[10.1-10.26 语料虐炼 ]


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