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包裝印刷: 重視紅利價值、格局優化及景氣賽道

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-10 18:23


China Containers & Packaging


Investment themes: dividends, optimal restructure and boom segments

投資要點/Investment Thesis

投資要點/Investment Thesis

主線一:把握紅利價值。 包裝行業規模大、集中度低,軟塑/紙包爲主流包材類型,龍頭廠商在產品研發/產能佈局/資金實力/供應鏈能力等方面形成領先優勢,獲取頭部客戶供應商資質認證後可形成持續性服務能力,相對易守難攻,市場份額穩健提升。此外,智能化、數字化能力帶來生產效率提升爲龍頭超額收益核心來源;伴隨前期擴產漸入收穫期,行業發展日趨成熟,龍頭盈利能力及ROE提升、分紅能力增強,具備較強防禦屬性。推薦3C賽道景氣、多元品類持續拓展、分紅提升的紙包龍頭裕同科技(24年股息率4.9%),以及內銷經營具韌性、海外市場貢獻增量的高股息軟塑龍頭永新股份(24年股息率7.0%)等。

Theme I: Dividend stocks

Profile: the Chinese packaging industry is a large-scale one with low concentration, where soft plastics and paper are the main materials. Leading manufacturers have the following competitive advantages:

•Product R&D, capacity buildout, financial firepower and supply chain capabilities.

•Sustainable service capacities on qualification and certification by major customers and suppliers provide a defensive advantage that drives market share expansion.

•Intelligentization and digitalization capabilities improve production efficiency and provide a profit premium.

•As their production buildout enters the pay-off phase as the industry nears maturity, profitability and ROE start to kick in and with it the ability to pay out dividends, making major players highly defensive.

Stocks: we would monitor these companies:

•Shenzhen Yuto Packaging Technology: leading paper packaging producer thriving in the 3C sector:

-Widening product category coverage

-Rising dividend trend

-2024 dividend yield was 4.9%.

•Huangshan Novel: a high-dividend flexible plastic packaging leader:

-Resilient Chinese market sales

-Foreign markets contribute incremental sales

-2024 dividend yield was 7.0%.

主線二:把握格局優化。 金屬包裝盈利能力受供需結構及原材料價格走勢影響,其中三片罐供需均衡,廠商&客戶深度綁定,片價傳導能力強,利潤表現可觀(毛利率區間15-25%);二片罐國內需求平穩,龍頭擴產激進導致供過於求,行業處盈利低位,當前龍頭之間發起要約收購,整合落地有望加速競爭格局改善,此外龍頭資本開支節奏放緩,預計盈利中樞有望底部向上。建議積極關注原材料紅利逐步顯現、二片罐盈利彈性更高的寶鋼包裝,以及兼具兩片罐盈利修復彈性&三片罐穩健利潤貢獻的昇興股份、奧瑞金、嘉美包裝。

Theme II: Industry structure optimization

Profile: metal packaging sector profitability is driven by the supply-demand balance and raw material price trends:

Three-piece cans:

•Balanced supply and demand

•Strong ties between manufacturers and customers

•High price transmission

•Considerable profits with gross margins ranging 15-25%.

Two-piece cans:

•Stable Chinese market demand

•Over-expansion of production capacities by leading players led to the current oversupply

•Low profitability levels: leading companies have initiated M&A and we expect industry integration will enhance competitiveness; capex spending has also slowed, which could help profitability bottom out and turn around.

Stocks: we would monitor these companies:

•Shanghai Baosteel Packaging: we would keep an eye on the emerging profit potential from raw material price trends, as well as higher profitability elasticity in its two-piece-can business.

•Sunrise Group and ORG Technology: these companies enjoy both profitability recovery elasticity in the two-piece-can business and stable profit contributions from their three-piece-can business.

Other not-rated market players: Jiamei Food Packaging (002969 CH).

主線三:把握景氣賽道。 我國藥玻行業穩定擴容(12-21年CAGR爲3.7%),產品年化需求約800億支,其中中硼硅藥玻滲透率不到10%。中硼硅產品性能優異、進入壁壘較高,目前國內僅4家企業實現轉“A”認證,山東藥玻佔據大部分市場份額,行業格局優異,且盈利能力較強。伴隨一致性評價及關聯審評政策驅動,根據製藥網預測,中硼硅藥玻滲透率有望達到30-40%,替代空間相對廣闊。推薦中硼硅模製瓶通過轉“A”認證、客戶儲備豐富、新增產能加速釋放的力諾特玻。

Theme III: Boom segments

Profile: the pharmaceutical glass industry in China has expanded steadily and CAGR was 3.7% over 2012-21. Annual product demand comes to about 80bn pieces, of which borosilicate has penetrated less than 10%. Neutral borosilicate products offer high-performance traits and provide high barriers to entry. Only four Chinese companies have obtained A certification and Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass (600529 CH, BUY) has the lion's share of the market, which has a favorable industry structure and strong profitability. We expect the penetration of borosilicate into the pharmaceutical glass market will reach 30-40% in the future and we see broad potential for Chinese substitution.

Stocks: we recommend Shandong Linuo Technical Glass: it obtained A certification for its borosilicate molded bottles; enjoys plenty of customer resources; and is accelerating new production capacity rollouts.

風險提示: 下游需求恢復不及預期;行業競爭加劇;行業併購整合進度較慢;原材料價格波動等

Risks include: weaker-than-expected recovery in downstream demand; intensifying competition; slow progress in industry M&A; and raw material price fluctuations.

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文件 由天風國際證券集團有限公司 , 天風國際證券與期貨有限公司(證監會中央編號:
