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讲座信息| 动物、科学与现代性:帝制晚期和民国时期中国牲畜饲养的复杂性

科学史图书馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-04 11:19


Animals, Science and Modernity: The Intricacies of Livestock Keeping in Late Imperial and Republican China 动物、科学与现代性:中华帝国晚期和民国时期畜牧业的复杂性

2024 年 12 月 6 日,欧洲中部时间(CET)下午 1.15 – 2.45


讲座链接: Join the zoom meeting: https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom-x.de/j/67288034664?pwd=WHhVaUc2eTBhelQwaDRId2ZDUUJjdz09


Yan Gao is a historian of late imperial and modern China. She specializes in social and environmental history of central Yangzi region, water history, and Asian environmental humanities. Her first book Yangzi Waters, published by Brill, examines water management and environmental changes in late imperial central China. She continues to write about the Yangzi River, and expands her research interest to human-animal relations and climate humanities. Currently, she explores the interactions of social and climate systems in the central Yangzi valley from the nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries. She obtained her PhD from Carnegie Mellon University. She was a Carson fellow at the Rachel Carson Center and conducted research at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and Duke University.

Renée Krusche is a historian of modern China with a special interest in medical history. She is a Postdoc at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), where in 2020 she finished her PhD on the topic of health practices and civilization diseases in Mao era China. In 2022 she published her first book The Health Socialist Life in Maoist China, 1949-1980. Currently she is researching Chinese veterinary history, historical human-animal relations in Asia, Chinese gendered health practices and the tradition of Yoga in Republican China.
