专栏名称: 硕博就业出国
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  硕博就业出国


硕博就业出国  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-28 07:00


读博/求职/出国机会 监控 (扫码关注)



PhD  Opportunities

·      The Graduate Schoolof Science and Technology

·      Location: AarhusUniversity

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

Project Description

The Graduate School of Science and Technology at Aarhus University islooking for a number of bright, enthusiastic and ambitious candidates who areinterested in pursuing a PhD education.

The University is located in Aarhus, Denmark, which provides internationalstudents with a safe and stable environment, a high standard of living and a wealthof social opportunities.

Besides having an excellent reputation that enables our PhD graduates tofind outstanding employment prospects, Aarhus University offers attractiveworking conditions, research support and campus resources. Read more about allthe benefits here.

Applications are accepted fromcollege students and graduates with an academic record corresponding to aBachelor’s or Master’s degree.



PhD  Program

·      King’s CollegeLondon | EPSRC Centre for Medical Imaging

·      Location: London |United Kingdom

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

Project Description

Drug-resistance is a major obstacle for the effective treatment ofpatients with high grade metastatic cancer. Currently, there is no satisfactoryway to identify patients that will respond and those that will failstandard-of-care therapy. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging offers apotential solution to this clinical problem through the non-invasive assessmentof molecular processes that underpin drug-resistance. Using a multidisciplinaryapproach, we are developing pioneering new PET imaging agents to identifydrug-resistant tumours . Early detection of drug resistance will enable theselection of alternative therapies, thereby improving outcomes in this disease.

Funding Notes

We are currently seeking funding for this project, and it is currentlyunder



PhD  Project

·      University ofQueensland | Institute for Molecular Bioscience

·      Location: Brisbane |Australia

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

Project Description


The University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience, locatedon the main University campus, is Australia’s leading biosciences researchinstitute. Established in 2000, the Institute is home to over 420 staff and islocated in thriving Brisbane, a city consistently ranked as one of the world’smost vibrant and liveable cities.

The Institute, ranked in the Top 20 globally for life sciences research,pursues a multidisciplinary approach to solving some of the world’s mostserious challenges in the fields of health, disease and sustainable solutionsfor our cities, fuels and foods. The Institute is housed in a single buildingand is organised into technological platforms (Divisions) and research themes(Centres). The Divisions support state-of-the art facilities including theCentre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, which houses new cryo-electronmicroscopes; the NMR facility containing 500, 600 and 900 MHz machines; theMass Spectrometry Facility accommodating a wide array of instrumentation;suites for work with a variety of model organisms; a plethora of nextgeneration DNA sequencing technologies and the southern hemispheres leadingprogram in complex genetic traits. The Research Centres accommodate 36 groupsusing a combination of genomics, chemistry and cell biology to take lifescience discoveries from the genome to drug design and application in the areasof antimicrobial resistance, inflammation, pain, cardiovascular disease andrare and developmental diseases.

Details of the research interests of the Institute may be accessed at:imb.uq.edu.au


If interested, please send your CV, academic record / grade transcriptsand a short cover letter to [email protected] with ‘PhD Application’ inthe subject line. Shortlisting occurs every two months. Applications will beaccepted until all positions have been filled.



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