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《Axure官方文档译读》之0603:Master Views(母版视图)

AT阿宝哥  · 简书  ·  · 2020-01-24 00:05


Axure RP

Master Views



Master views are alternate versions of masters designed for specific contexts. They allow you to create a master once and then rearrange, resize, and restyle its widgets to fit each context you intend to use it in. When you add an instance of a master to the canvas, you can choose which of its views to display.


1、Adding Views to a Master



To add master views to a master, start by opening the master on the canvas for editing. Click the canvas to focus the master itself, and then click Add Master Views in the Style pane to open the Master Views dialog, where you'll create and manage your views.

要将母版视图添加到母版,首先要在画布上打开母版视图进行编辑。单击画布以关注母版视图本身,然后单击 Style 窗格中的 添加主视图 ,以打开 主视图 对话框,您将在其中创建和管理您的视图。

To remove master views from a master, click Remove Views at the top-right of the Style pane.

要从主视图中删除主视图,请单击“ Style ”窗格右上角的“ 删除视图 ”。


2、Master View Inheritance



Master views are organized into chains of inheritance. The first link in the chain, the view from which all others inherit, is the Base view. Each view you add inherits its widgets and widget properties either directly from the Base view or from another view in the chain.


For example, the chain of inheritance for a button master might looks like this:

Primary Button (Base) > Secondary Button > Text Link Button

  • Edits made in the Primary Button view would be reflected in both the Secondary Button and Text Link Button views as well.
    主按钮 视图中进行的编辑将同时反映在 次按钮 文本链接按钮 视图中。

  • Edits made in the Secondary Button view would be reflected in the Text Link Button view but not in the Primary Button view.
    辅助按钮 视图中进行的编辑将反映在 文本链接按钮 视图中,但不会反映在 主按钮 视图中。

  • Edits made in the Text Link Button view would only affect that view.
    在* 文本链接按钮 *视图中生成的编辑只会影响视图。

3、Editing Diagrams in Master Views


Once you've added master views to a master, you can access each view by clicking its name at the top of the canvas. The color of a view's name indicates whether or not it will be affected by edits you make on the canvas:


  • Turquoise: The view currently displayed on the canvas. Edits will affect this view.

  • Yellow: A child of the view currently displayed on the canvas. Edits will affect this view.

  • Grey: A parent of the view currently displayed on the canvas. Edits will not affect this view.

  • Green: The Affect All Views checkbox is checked. Edits will affect all views.
    影响所有视图 复选框被检查。*编辑会影响所有的观点。

Furthermore, if you edit a widget property in a child view, edits to the same property in a parent view will no longer affect the child view. For example, if you change a button's fill color to pink in a child view and then change that same button's fill color to green in the parent view, the button will still be pink in the child view, not green.


To take full advantage of the benefits of master view edit inheritance, we suggest you take a top-down approach to editing your diagrams, starting in the Base view and then working your way down the chain.
为了充分利用主视图编辑继承的好处,我们建议您采用自顶向下的方法来编辑您的图表,从 Base 视图开始,然后沿着这个链向下工作。

3.1、Cross-View Widget Properties


You can change the visual styling, size, and position of widgets freely across master views. Some widget properties, however, are always the same in every view. These include widget text, notes, and interactions/interactive properties. Making edits to these on a widget in one view will always affect all other views as well.

您可以在主视图中自由地改变小部件的视觉样式、大小和位置。然而,在每个视图中,一些小部件属性总是相同的。* *这些包括小部件文本、注释和交互/交互属性。在一个视图中对这些选项进行编辑对所有其他视图都有影响

Additionally, special widget properties like the options in a droplist widget, the rows and columns in a table widget, and the nodes in a tree widget, are also shared across views.

If you need a cross-view widget property to vary across your master views, create an additional copy of the widget for each variation and use the "unplace" feature to choose which version of the widget appears in each view.

3.2、Unplaced Widgets


"Unplaced" widgets are widgets that are included in some of a master's views but not in others. Any widgets that have been unplaced from the current view are listed in red in the Outline pane.
“未放置”的小部件是包含在一些主视图中的小部件,而不是在其他的。从当前视图中未放置的任何小部件都在 Outline 窗格中被列在红色中。


To ensure that you see both placed and unplaced widgets in the Outline pane, click the Sort and Filter icon at the top-right of the pane and select Placed or Unplaced .
要确保在 Outline 窗格中同时看到放置和未放置的小部件,请单击窗格右上角的 Sort和Filter 图标,并选择 放置或未放置
