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4月万事达卡财新BBD新经济指数公布 石家庄机场旅客净流入增速排首位

财新网  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-05-02 09:59



























公共关系副总裁 吴焕宇


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财新智库总裁兼首席经济学家 沈明高

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公关总监 马玲


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BBD(数联铭品)首席经济学家 陈沁


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万事达卡(纽交所股票交易代码:MA), www.mastercard.cn ,是全球性的支付与科技公司。通过运营全球最快的支付处理网络,万事达卡将超过210个国家和地区的消费者、金融机构、商户、政府和企业连接在一起。万事达卡的产品和解决方案使得每个人在购物、旅行、企业经营、财务管理等日常商业活动都变得更容易、更安全和更高效。敬请关注我们的“万事达卡”官方微信以及在新浪的官方微博@万事达人,以获悉动态并参与互动。也可访问万事达卡新闻中心或万事达卡互动中心获取更多资讯。


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April 2017

MasterCard Caixin BBD China NewEconomy Index

Released:10:00am Beijing Time May-02-2017


In April 2017, the MasterCard Caixin-BBD New Economy Index (NEI) reading came in at 31.8, indicating that the New Economy accounted for 31.8% of overall economic input activities that month, down 1.5 ppts from March (Chart 1). New economy is defined as following: 1) human capital intensive, technology intensive and capital light; 2) sustainable rapid growth, and 3) in line with the strategic new industries defined by the government.

Primary Inputs

The NEI includes labor, capital and technology inputs that account for 40%, 35% and 25% of the total weight of the index, respectively. Among the primary inputs, the decrease in the April NEI reading came primarily from decreasing capital investment. Capital investment showed wide fluctuations in the recent half year; it rebounded strongly in March but declied in April, coming in at 34.8, still in a relatively high range. Labor inputs continue to decline, dropping to 30.1 from 30.2 in March, the lowest number since the release of NEI. Technology input declined to 30.4 from 30.8 a month ago (Chart2).

Percentage changes in labor, capital and technology inputs were -0.1, -1.3 and -0.1 ppts, respectively. After accounting for the sum of their weightings, the net NEI change was a 1.5 ppts decrease from March (Chart 3).

Looking at the sub-sectors, the New IT industry formed the largest proportion of the New Economy Index, contributing 10.0 ppts to NEI. Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection came second, contributing 5.6 ppts, the highest ranking since the recent half year. The third largest contributor was Biotech with 3.7 ppts. Finance & Legal Services dropped to the fifth contributor with 2.6 ppts, about a half of the number in March (Chart 4).

New Economy Employment

In April 2017, the average monthly entry level salary of the New Economy was RMB 9,216 per month, an increase from last month’s level of RMB 8,947 (Chart 5). New Economy wage information is compiled from online websites of career platforms and recruitment services including 51job and Zhaopin, as well as other sites that list job demands.

Hiring in the New Economy sectors accounted for 29.3% of total hiring in February, an increase from the previous month’s 29.3%. The compensation share of New Economy sectors saw a decline, from 32.1% to 30.9%. The entry level salary premium of the New Economy was 5.2% as compared to economy-wide counterparts, a significant decrease from 13.7% in March (Chart 6). In the recent halt year, the average salary premium of the New Economy only saw an increase around the Chinese New Year and declined for the rest of the time. It came to the lowest reading in this month since the release of the NEI.

Economic Activities Based on Major Airport Traffic

This month, we analyze airport traffic data by comparing major airport traffic in 1Q17 and 1Q16.

First, we subtract the 1Q16 average daily population net inflow from that in 1Q17 to obtain cities with the fastest increase in new inflows as well as the cities with the fastest decrease in new inflows.

Based on our analysis, cities with the largest net inflows are Beijing, Wuhan ,Chengdu, Guangzhou, and Changsha. Among them, Beijing ranked the first, which seemed inconsistent with the low level of 0.1% growth in Beijing resident population in 2016. However, in 2016, both the growth rates of water consumption and residential electricity consumption in Beijing reached new highs since 2010, which is consistent with the airport traffic data.

Chengdu and Changsha are two of the Midwest cities that have maintained strong ability to attract population inflow from 2016. Shenzhen and Shanghai failed to rank into the top ten cities according to airport traffic data.

Among the cities with the largest net outflows, Harbin, Shenyang, and Changchun are ranked the first, second, and fourth respectively, implying that the northeastern provinces still fail to attract population inflows. Sanya and Lijiang are ranked the third and ninth, possibly due to negative news associated with these two tourist cities over the past year.

Second, we use the net population inflow calculated in the table divided by the total population of the airport to determine the attractiveness of different cities based on growth rates. This method is more fair for the comparison among second-tier cities.

In the following chart, we showed rankings for China’s largest 60 airports. Based on our analysis, Shijiazhuang, Guilin, Nanchang, Hefei, and Wuhan are ranked as the top five cities with the fastest growing net inflows. Shijiazhuang’s high ranking might be related to the establishment of Xiong’an New Area in Hebei Province. It is worth mentioning that the data only shows comparison between first quarters, while the establishment of Xiong’an New Area was accounced only in April 1st.


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