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项目推送|未来城市空间(Future City Space)

北京城市实验室BCL  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-06 08:26



今天推介一个新的BCL北京城市实验室项目 “WeSpace·未来城市空间” (WeSpace: Future City Space 该项目涵盖 《未来城市研究进展评述》、《成都规划》未来城市专辑刊首语、《WeSpace·未来城市空间》报告、 《颠覆性技术驱动下的未来人居—来自新城市科学和未来城市等视角》、 《未来城市:技术革命给我们的城市及其相关学科带来了什么?》 等研究内容。

更多关于 “WeSpace·未来城市空间” 的研究工作详见:





Review on the Progress of Future City Research

The fourth industrial revolution, based on computing, information, and communication, is fundamentally changing the production and life of the humans as well as the whole society, and the evolution of cities presents unprecedented speed, scale, and complexity. Future cities are closely related to the future of the humankind. This paper reviews four main approaches in the future city research and practice: data-based empirical studies, futuristic imagination, engineering technologies, and spatial design. Based on the distinction of ontology, epistemology, and methodology of these approaches, the paper summarizes the core ideas and main progresses in the future city research. Then, in combination of literature analysis, the paper summarizes current achievements in the cutting-edge future city research and practice, including transportation, energy, communication, environment, health, and urban public services, which are directly related to technological progress. By predicting the strategic direction of future city research and practice, the paper further proposes the core thought for the creation of future cities.




The preface for the future city special issue in Chengdu Planning


《WeSpace · 未来城市空间》报告

Future Cities from the Lens of Space

We are sharing the first version of the WeSpace report below, including the full Chinese version, the full English version and the brief version in Chinese. If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact with us via [email protected]

PS:以下为【 北京城市实验室 WeSpace: Future City Space 单元 】分享内容,具体内容可进入网站下载查看。



Future of Human Settlements Driven by Disruptive Technologies: Perspectives from The New Science of Cities and Future Cities

A series of disruptive technologies emerged in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which on the one hand had a profound impact on urban space and social life, and on the other hand provided new data, new methods and new technologies for the built environment / human settlement related research. Combining the observation of the new coronavirus pneumonia as a public health event and the theme of future human settlements driven by disruptive technologies, six perspectives for current research situation criticism and future research prospects have been proposed in this paper:(1) Urban big data has emerged, and it will be more profoundly applied in the built environment academia and industry;(2) Our understanding on cities is still limited, and urban science is still in its infancy. How to improve the scientific nature of urban research, especially urban spatial research? (3) Emphasize the use of new data, new methods, and new technologies to study "new" cities, that is, "the new science of cities"; (4) The research of healthy cities needs to establish a substantial cooperation between built environmental disciplines and public health disciplines, and embrace smart technologies in the background of digital health; (5) Smart technology effectively supports city operations and residents' living condition, and built environmental disciplines should actively explore the application of emerging technologies; (6) The discipline of built environment should actively explore the spatial prototype of the future city, and support future built environment design based on Spatial Intervention, Place Making and Digital Innovation (SIPMDI).

PS:以下为【 北京城市实验室 WeSpace: Future City Space 单元 】分享内容,具体内容可进入网站下载查看。



Technologies, cities and our discipline

PS:以下为【 北京城市实验室 WeSpace: Future City Space


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