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AI改变世界的三种方式 · AI: The indefatigable helper|经济学人双语精选

经济学人集团  · 公众号  · 国际 财经  · 2016-10-19 18:11



AI: The indefatigable helper


AI dramatically changes the world for the better. So here are three examples.First, AI could transform transport and urban life, starting with self-drivingvehicles. Being able to summon one at will could remove the need to own a car,greatly reduce the number of vehicles on the roads and all but eliminate roaddeaths. Urban environments will enjoy a renaissance as pollution declines andspace previously devoted to parking is reallocated to parks, housing andbicycle paths.


Second, AI could soon enable people to converse with a wide range of things:their home and their car, most obviously, just as people talk to a disembodiedcomputer in “Star Trek”, but also AI avatars of companies and otherorganisations, information services, AI advisers and tutors. A host of AI-poweredpersonal assistants, such as Alexa, Cortana, Siri and Viv, are already jostlingfor position, and could become an important new way to interact with computersand access information, like the web browser and touchscreen before them.Speech alone is not always the best way to interact with a computer, so suchconversations will often be accompanied by graphics (perhaps in the form of“augmented reality” overlays on people’s vision). AI also has huge potential tohelp humans talk to one another, by facilitating real-time translation betweenpeople using different languages. Basic versions of this technology existtoday, and will get better.

第三,AI可以助力科学和医疗研究,产生巨大影响。Deepmind的德米斯·哈萨比斯(Demis Hassabis)说:“最让我感到振奋的是利用AI帮助我们加速取得科学突破。”他认为,从癌症研究到气候变化的各个领域里,AI都可担任不知疲倦的研究助理,通过筛选数据、阅读成千上万的科研论文、提出假设或指出值得研究的关联关系,帮助科学家解决问题。IBM已在这一领域展开工作,利用其沃森(Watson)AI技术分析大量医疗数据。深度学习将被用于分析英格兰国民保健署(NHS)中正在进行的“十万基因组”项目中的数据。同样的技术还可以帮助物理学家筛选粒子对撞机中的海量数据,以便获得新的发现。

Third, AI could make a big difference by turbocharging scientific and medicalresearch. “The thing that excites me the most is using AI to help speed upscientific breakthroughs,” says Demis Hassabis of DeepMind. An AI could act asa relentless research assistant, he reckons, in fields from cancer research toclimate change, helping solve problems by sifting through data, readingthousands of scientific papers and suggesting hypotheses or pointing outcorrelations that might be worth investigating. IBM is already working in thisarea, using its Watson AI technology to analyse large volumes of medical data.Deep learning will be used to analyse the data from the “100,000 Genomes”project now under way in England’s National Health Service; the same techniquescan help physicists sift reams of data from particle colliders for new discoveries.






《经济学人·商论》七月刊 - 人工智能特别报道目录




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