【[93星]Robopoker:一款用Rust编写的德州扑克AI工具,能帮助玩家学习、分析和解决无限制德州扑克问题。亮点:1. 基于蒙特卡洛反事实遗憾最小化算法,智能决策;2. 支持层级K均值聚类,高效处理复杂牌局;3. 性能卓越,手牌评估速度超快,比传统算法快数倍】
'Play, learn, solve, and analyze No-Limit Texas Hold Em. Implementation follows from Monte Carlo counter-factual regret minimization over with hierarchical K-means imperfect recall abstractions.'
GitHub: github.com/krukah/robopoker
#德州扑克# #AI工具# #Rust语言# #AI创造营#
'Play, learn, solve, and analyze No-Limit Texas Hold Em. Implementation follows from Monte Carlo counter-factual regret minimization over with hierarchical K-means imperfect recall abstractions.'
GitHub: github.com/krukah/robopoker
#德州扑克# #AI工具# #Rust语言# #AI创造营#