Weekly Review Reminder
exercise, or any constructive and creative endeavor, The Weekly Review doesn't
happen by itself. You have to get to the edge of that water and just dive in.
“一个小时有效的,精确的,刻苦的,有纪律的和综合的思考可能抵得上一个月的努力。思考是业界和生活中最重要的事情,也是最困难的事情。聪明人花费一个小时来有效率的脑力工作...而其他人则在开派对。如果你不能克服感情用事,那么你便不会意识到要引导自己使用综合方式思考,如果你走的是阻力最小的道路,那么你就是屈服于懒惰,不再控制你的生活。“ -
David Kekich
"An hour of effective, precise, hard, disciplined and integrated thinking
can be worth a month of hard work. Thinking is the very essence of, and the
most difficult thing to do in, business and life. Empire builders spend
hour-after-hour on mental work... while others party. If you're not consciously
aware of putting forth the effort to exert self-guided integrated thinking...
if you don't act beyond your feelings and you take the path of least
resistance, then you're giving in to laziness and no longer control your
life." – David Kekich
weibo: GTDAsia
website: http://gtd.asia