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饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-05-21 17:59



我是2月份预测班的学员,在顾爸爸的建议下,我的写作从6.5复议到了8分,终于可以去dream school了。






Some people think that car free days can help decrease air pollution, but others think there are other ways to achieve this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Air pollution is an increasingly serious problem in many countries. Many people think that setting a car free day is an effective way to alleviate this problem, but I would argue that many other measures can be taken to improve poor air condition.


Theoretically, “car free day” campaigns can raise the awareness of citizens’ environmental protection and they will reduce the reliance on private cars. Many car users have not realised that the exhausted fumes from cars contribute a lot to the serious air pollution. On the car free day, the air quality may be improved as the number of cars on the road decreases steeply. In that case, those car users will be aware that they can breathe fresh air and improve physical fitness if they less use cars.


However, the feasibility of setting a car free day is questionable. The whole society cannot operate well since there are no cars on the road for daily commuting on that special day. For example, students who live far away from school may be late for class and some businessmen may miss out some important appointments due to the lack of cars. In addition, only one day without any cars on the road may fail to get rid of air pollutants significantly because daily car emissions cannot be reduced by such a one day policy.


In my view, we can take many other measures to address the air pollution problem. The government should give more financial support to build a well-developed public transport system. If there are easy-to-reach bus stops or subway stations, many citizens will choose to travel to and from work by bus or subway instead. High tax can also be imposed on people who use private cars frequently.


Overall, setting a car free day cannot achieve the desired outcome of deceasing air pollution. We should make other efforts to discourage people from using private cars, such as building a rounded public transport system.



1. 整个文章思路清晰,通顺,逻辑性强。虽然有一些语法错误,不影响拿7分。

2. 最大的问题其实是这个同学的结构去讨论了第一个立场的缺点,这是不恰当的地方,所以TR会扣分。





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