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张 品|【江头金桂】的意与用

中国音乐ChineseMusic  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-16 10:00



张 品


摘     要 : 传统曲牌研究的目标之一是探索与确认曲牌的稳定性因素,曲牌格律是此前相对公认的一个因素,然而有时格律对掌握和传播曲牌的实际效率令人迷惑,以【江头金桂】为例,这支南曲集曲曲牌,在三个声腔系统的九个剧种中存在,迄今仍可见30余个唱段使用它。运用常规的曲学分析,既很难体认它们是同一个曲牌,又很难以“同名异曲”之说概括。本文试图通过寻找30余个唱段的异同,探讨这一曲牌的名称、意象及表达,挖掘它为曲牌持有者心照不宣的用法,从而探寻将它们认定为同一曲牌的合理性并追溯它的用法来源,进一步讨论“曲牌的认知视角”与“音乐在曲牌系统中的定位”等问题。
关键词 : 【江头金桂】;意象;用法;音乐表达
中图分类号 : J607 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1002-9923(2024)06-0116-11
DOI: 10.13812/j.cnki.cn11-1379/j.2024.06.012
作者简介: 张 品(1988—  ),女,汉族,博士,中国音乐学院在站博士后。
基金项目: 本文为2022年度国家社科基金重大项目“音乐创作‘中国性’研究”(项目编号:22&ZD037)的阶段成果。

The Meaning and Use of "JiangTou JinGui"

○Zhang Pin

Abstract: One of the central research topics in traditional Qupai studies is the identification and confirmation of the defining elements of Qupai. Historically, Gelv has been widely recognized as a foundational concept; however, its practical application and the dissemination of related melodies often raise questions. Taking "JiangTou JinGui" as an example, this southern JiQu melody appears across nine operas in three distinct vocal systems, with more than 30 identifiable fragments still in use. Conventional musical analysis struggles to identify these fragments as deriving from the same Qupai, making it difficult to categorize them as "different songs with the same name". This paper aims to examine the name, image, and expression of "JiangTou JinGui" by analyzing the similarities and differences among these fragments. It explores the implicit practices by Qupai holders and investigates the rationale for identifying these fragments as part of the same Qupai. Additionally, the paper traces the origins of its usage and discusses broader issues, such as the "cognitive perspective of Qupai" and the "role of music in Qupai performance".
Keywords: "JiangTou JinGui"; Image; Usage; Musical Expression


《中国音乐》2024年 第6期




