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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-08 05:22





意大利裕信银行(UniCredit SpA)在其发布的2016年-2019年战略计划中表示,将通过配股筹集130亿欧元资金,用于清理资产负债表。这一银行同意,通过证券化项目将177亿欧元不良贷款出售给美国机构投资者Fortress和Pimco。



UniCredit sets out its stall


Italy’s biggest bank unveils a recapitalisation plan


The new chief executive sheds bad loans, cuts costs—and asks shareholders for €13bn


Dec 17th 2016


THIS is no time to be timid . Or so Jean-Pierre Mustier seems to think. On December 13th, after five months in the job, the chief executive of UniCredit presented his plan for Italy’s biggest bank. He didn’t hold back . UniCredit is shedding €17.7bn worth ($18.8bn) of bad loans, taking a one-off provision of €8.1bn. It will save €1.7bn a year by 2019, cutting 6,500 jobs on top of 7,500 previously announced to shrink its workforce by 14%. And in a rights issue next year it will raise €13bn—just €2bn less than its market value before the announcement. The markets lapped it up : the shares gained 16%, before retreating the next day.


  • unveils  使公诸于众

  • recapitalisation n. 资本结构之改变;资本额的调整

  • sheds   流出;摆脱;

  • timid  羞怯的

  • hold back 隐瞒;退缩;抑制;阻止

  • one-off  一次性的

  • provision  n. 规定;条款;准备;

  • lap up 欣然接受,反应热烈;轻易相信

Mr Mustier had already been busy. The previous day UniCredit sold Pioneer, its asset-management arm, to France’s Amundi (though it will still distribute Pioneer’s products). It recently unloaded its stake in Bank Pekao, in Poland, as well as 30% of Fineco, an Italian online bank of which it will retain control. The bad-debt write-down, restructuring costs and other bits and bobs will partially offset the gains from these sales and the rights issue. But the boss expects UniCredit’s ratio of equity to risk-weighted assets —a gauge of capital strength—to rise from 10.8%, second-weakest among the euro zone’s most important banks (see chart), to at least 12.5% by 2019.


  • Gauge:评估; 测量的标准或范围; 尺度,标准; 测量仪器。

  • Amundi 欧洲最大资产管理公司

  • Unload  卸;摆脱…之负担;倾销

  • bits and bobs 1、零碎东西,残余的东西,

  • offset 抵消;弥补;

  • ratio of equity 股本利润率

  • risk-weighted assets 风险加权资产

UniCredit has already tapped shareholders twice since the financial crisis, for €4bn in 2010 and €7.5bn in 2012. Not long ago analysts thought it might have to beg for another €4bn-9bn. Asking for €13bn may therefore appear unduly bold .


  • unduly  adv. 过度地;不适当地;不正当地

  • bold. adj. 大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的

Perhaps boldness is in order . The bank has been in a rut for years. Although less than half its revenue comes from Italy, it has been weighed dow n by its homeland’s woeful economic performance and a heavy burden of dud loans. Of its €49.7bn (gross) of non-performing Italian debt marked “non-core”—for eventual disposal—€43.2bn-worth dates from 2010 or earlier: high time to clear it out. In April Atlante, a new bank-rescue fund, took over UniCredit’s guarantee of a €1.5bn share sale by an ailing smaller lender. That embarrassment helped to seal the fate of Mr Mustier’s predecessor, Federico Ghizzoni.


  • in order(美)适宜,适当;正确

  • in a rut千篇一律;一成不变

  • Weigh down拖累

Even after this week’s leap, UniCredit’s shares were trading at below one-third of net book value. They are down by about half this year. Mr Mustier is scarcely promising the moon : just a “simple, pan-European commercial bank” with a return on tangible equity of 9% within three years, more than double 2015’s figure but still less than the estimated cost of equity. He is budgeting for revenue to grow by just 0.6% a year, as low interest rates drag down income from lending. Better asset quality will help: default rates are falling. So will cuts, both at head office and in the field: 944 branches will go in Italy, Germany (where UniCredit owns HypoVereinsbank, ranked fourth by assets) and Austria (Bank Austria, second).

即使在这周出现了上涨,意大利联合信贷银行股份的交易价值依然低于账面价值的三分之一。它们的股份今年约下跌了一半。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的读者试译详解哟~) 他预计每年收入仅仅会上涨0.6%,因为低利率会拖累通过借贷获取的收益。更好的资产质量将会促使违约率会开始下降。裁员也将会继续进行,全部集中在总部以及这个领域:意大利、德国、和澳大利亚合计944家分公司会受到影响。(德国当地意大利联合信贷银行拥有资产排名第四的HypoVereins银行;旗下的澳洲银行排名第二。)

  • promise the moon 空口许诺

Italy’s biggest bank may at last perk up. Its third-largest and the world’s oldest, alas, is tottering . The European Central Bank is insisting that Monte dei Paschi di Siena raise €5bn in equity by the end of the year. Although bankers are persevering with a private-sector plan, a state rescue looks likely. Under European rules, that means pain for retail bondholders. Italy’s banking woes are far from over.

意大利最大的银行最终可能会再次崛起,可是这家世界第三大且最古老的银行目前显得摇摇欲坠。欧洲央行要求西亚那银行(Monte dei Paschi di Siena)在今年年底在股市中筹措50亿欧元。虽然银行家们正在维持一种私企的计划,但是国家很有可能提出救助计划。在欧洲规则之下来看,对于散户债券持有者而言是极其痛苦的。意大利银行的悲怆还远未结束。

  • Tottering:蹒跚的,动摇的;

翻译 ▍ arias;蜗牛走的很慢

审核 ▍QQ

编辑 ▍璃儿

Try to translate

Mr Mustier is scarcely promising the moon: just a “simple, pan-European commercial bank” with a return on tangible equity of 9% within three years, more than double 2015’s figure but still less than the estimated cost of equity.

Put Chinese below





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