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Is there such a thing as having too many books?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-06-01 20:38


Is there such a thing as having too many books?

Dushka Zapata, Voracious reader. Book lover.

Updated Feb 13, 2016 · Upvoted by William Chen and Melissa Stroud

420.9k Views · 15.6k Upvotes

My father had a beautiful library.

Throughout my life, we'd all sit down to dinner as a family and talk. And books would be pulled down from the shelves and brought to the table to prove, disprove or expand whatever we were talking about.

We all did our homework in this room and used the books as reference material.

Often, when friends came over, my father gave them a book related to the conversation we had held as a parting gift.

This beautiful room which punctuated my life no longer exists.

We recently took it down because he requested in his will that every one of his books be donated to a public library close to his heart.

Books should be loved and read and held and underlined and earmarked and referred to and given away. 

Used correctly, you can never have too many books.



  • very greedy in eating; ravenous 贪吃的、极饿的

    • a voracious eater 贪吃的人: a voracious appetite 极大的胃口; 

  •  (比喻) very eager for knowledge, information, etc (对知识、信息等)渴求的

    • a voracious reader 求知欲强的读者; 

reference material:参考资料;

  • reference:提及、(向读者指示参考书、文章等的)附注;

  • bear/have some/no reference to sth.: (not) be connected with sth 与某事物有关[无关]: This has no reference to what we were discussing. 这与我们讨论的问题无关。

parting gift:临别的礼物、分手礼物……;


  • put full stops, commas, colons, question marks, etc into (a piece of writing) (在文字中)加标点符号、加标点;(我觉得这里可以理解成点缀吧)

  • ~ sth. (with sth.) interrupt sth. (by/with sth.) at intervals 不时打断某事物;

will:n. 意志、意图、心愿、情感、遗嘱;

earmark~ sb./sth. (for sth./sb.) assign or set aside sb./sth. (to or for a special purpose) (为某目的)指定或安排某人[某事物]、vt. 指定…作为特定用途: earmark a sum of money for research 拨出一笔款项作研究经费;

