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《Axure官方文档译读》之0319:Table Widgets(表格部件)

AT阿宝哥  · 简书  ·  · 2020-01-15 17:21


Axure RP

Table Widgets


Table widget

1、Editing Table Data


You can add text to a table cell or edit its current text via any of the options below:

  • Double-click the cell to enter text-editing mode

  • Select the cell and press ENTER to enter text-editing mode
    选择单元格并按 ENTER 进入文本编辑模式

  • Select the cell and begin typing. (This option is only available if you have disabled single-key shortcuts)


1.1、Pasting from Spreadsheet Applications


You can copy table data from spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets and paste it into Axure RP as a table widget. First, copy the table cells in your spreadsheet app. Then, in Axure RP, right-click the canvas and select Paste Special → Paste as Table .

您可以从诸如Microsoft Excel和谷歌之类的电子表格应用程序中复制表数据,并将其作为表小部件粘贴到Axure RP中。首先,复制表格单元格在您的电子表格应用程序。然后,在Axure RP,右键单击画布,并选择 粘贴特殊→粘贴为表格

You can also paste tabular data into an existing table widget. To do so, select the top-left cell of the table and press CTRL V or CMD V . The pasted data will fill the cells already present in the table.

您还可以将表格数据粘贴到现有的表格小部件中。为此,选择表的左上角单元格并按 CTRL V CMD V 。粘贴的数据将填充表格中已经存在的单元格。

New columns and rows will not be added to existing table widgets when you paste data into them. If the table is too small to accommodate the pasted data, add more columns and/or rows to the table before pasting the data.

2、Editing Rows and Columns


editing table widget rows and columns

2.1、Adding, Deleting, and Moving Rows and Columns


To add a row or column to a table widget, right-click one of its cells or one of the grey row or column controls. In the context menu, choose from the following:


  • Insert Row Above

  • Insert Row Below

  • Insert Column Left

  • Insert Column Right

To delete a row or column, right-click a cell in that row or column, or right-click the appropriate grey row or column control. In the context menu, choose Delete Row or Delete Column .

要删除行或列,请右键单击该行或列中的单元格,或右键单击适当的灰色行或列控件。在上下文菜单中,选择 删除行 删除列

To rearrange a table's rows and columns, select a grey row or column control and then drag it up/down or left/right.


2.2、Resizing Rows and Columns


You can change a row's height or a column's width by clicking one of its borders and dragging.

You can also set an individual cell's width and height with the W and H fields in the Style pane. This will automatically resize the row and column that the cell is a part of.
您还可以使用 Style 窗格中的 W H *字段设置单个单元格的宽度和高度。这将自动调整单元格所属的行和列的大小。

To resize multiple cells at once, select the cells with a click-drag or by <kbd>SHIFT</kbd>-clicking each cell. Then, use the W and H fields.
要同时调整多个单元格的大小,请通过单击-拖动或<kbd>SHIFT</kbd>-单击每个单元格来选择单元格。然后,使用 W H 字段。

3、Special Interactions


3.1、Interacting with Individual Cells


Each cell in a table widget has its own events that you can use to set up interactions specific to that particular cell. For example, you can configure a cell's Click or Tap event to show another widget on the page.

表小部件中的每个单元格都有自己的事件,可以使用它们来设置特定于特定单元格的交互。例如,您可以配置单元格的 Click或Tap 事件来在页面上显示另一个小部件。

You can also target individual table cells in interactions and conditions. For example, you can change the text on a cell with the Set Text action, and you can evaluate the text on a cell with the text on widget value option.

您还可以针对交互和条件中的单个表单元格。例如,您可以使用 Set text 操作更改单元格上的文本,您可以使用 text on widget value选项计算单元格上的文本。

interactively setting the text on a table cell


When you mouse over a cell's name in the Select Widget dropdown, the cell is highlighted in yellow on the canvas. Look at the Column 3 cell in the screenshot above for an example.
当您在 Select窗口小部件 下拉菜单中鼠标移动一个单元格的名称时,该单元格在画布上以黄色突出显示。查看上面屏幕截图中的 列3 单元格作为示例。

You can also name individual table cells in the Interactions and Notes panes to make them easier to find.
您还可以在** interaction Notes**窗格中命名各个表单元格,以便更容易地找到它们。

4、Limitations and Workarounds

