2000多年前,当圣人帕坦伽利(Patanjali) 将瑜伽体系编纂成册时,他并没有把重点放在体式训练上,甚至都没有提及过多,仅仅把调息(pranayama)纳入了他的体系。在古老的日子里,人们的生活平衡、和谐、健康,他们不需要强行把体式带入调息习练练中,不需要让体式成为他们修行中不可分割的一部分。这个道理在我上完Tarik 的第二个工作坊后,在受伤恢复的自我练习中,才开始觉知。走上阿斯汤伽练习之路,遇到Tarik 启蒙是我的幸运,相信很多其他跟随他的练习者也有这个感受,他不仅仅是一个体式老师,更多的是一位瑜伽行者,他对学生的影响更多是在一言一行中体现,让人心悦臣服。
在社交网络上搜索Tarik ,基本满足不了你对他的好奇心,除了仅有的几张照片和简单的经历介绍,只有Pattabhi Jois亲自认证的终身授权老师这个称谓让人不禁心头一震。阿斯汤伽练习者都明白,这样的授权不仅需要经年累月的练习,还需要始终如一的坚守瑜伽八支训诫,在得到Pattabhi Jois本人认可后,才能得到的祝福。然而在我第一次见到Tarik 时,只觉得自己见到的是一位谦卑,亲切,平易近人又循循善诱的老师。当时的我连第一序列的串联动作都不知道,拜日A,B必须在指导下才能完成,在初上Tarik 工作坊时真是忐忑不安,但当他用坦诚亲切的眼神注视学生时,能感受到一种稳定平静的力量,无法用言语具体形容,也许这就是一位真正瑜伽仕周身散发出的磁场和能量。
课间休息没有学生提问时,Tarik 会一个人坐在角落边,安静的看书或静坐,那时的他会让人完全忽略;但当学生围坐在他身旁静听他对瑜伽哲学娓娓道来时,他的睿智,深刻又让他立刻化身磁场中心,吸引着你的所有注意力。但是最让我深深感受到Tarik 的能量所在,是他的真实,在他身上,我第一次感受到瑜伽对一位真心修行者的影响和深刻的塑造。他呈现出的是真实的自己,其中也有克制和妥协,但在旷日持久的练习和修习中,他将自我沉淀在心中,不断地磨砺,让真实和虚幻合二为一,成为真正的自己。通俗的说,人前的Tarik 和人后的Tarik 别无二样,他的谦逊发自内心,他就是真实的自己,在这样的当下是多么难能可贵。
每个练习者对于自己导师的选择都有自己的切身感受,不能一概而论。在我们Mysore 的群体中,我们称Tarik 为“老爸爸”,据我所知,国内很有权威的阿斯汤伽公众号创始人路路编辑,对“老爸爸”也是盛赞有佳。过多的褒奖Tarik 有违他一贯的低调谦逊,但如果不做表达也让我如鲠在喉。为什么写下这些?因为我马上可以在第三年见到我们热爱敬爱的“老爸爸”,我的开心雀跃必须一吐为快!
每日时间安排 Daily schedule
07:00-8:30 迈锁 第一组
8:30-10:00 迈锁 第二组
10:30-11:45 呼吸法,冥想
Day 1
07:00-8:30 Mysore group A
8:30-10:00 Mysore group B
10:30-11:45 Pranayama, Meditation
07:00-8:30 迈锁 第一组
8:30-10:00 迈锁 第二组
10:30-11:45 呼吸法,冥想
Day 2
07:00-8:30 Mysore group A
8:30-10:00 Mysore group B
10:30-11:45 Pranayama, Meditation
07:00-8:30 迈锁 第一组
8:30-10:00 迈锁 第二组
10:30-11:45 呼吸法,冥想
Day 3
07:00-8:30 Mysore group A
8:30-10:00 Mysore group B
10:30-11:45 Pranayama, Meditation
07:00-8:30 迈锁 第一组
8:30-10:00 迈锁 第二组
10:30-11:45 呼吸法,冥想
Day 4
07:00-8:30 Mysore group A
8:30-10:00 Mysore group B
10:30-11:45 Pranayama, Meditation
07:00-8:30 阿斯汤加初级序列口令课
9:00-11:30 哲学,
Day 5
07:00-8:30 Ashtanga Led Primary Class
9:00-11:30 Yoga Philosophy
nd meditation also Q & A
Tarik Thami 老师介绍
Tarik从1990年开始对不同形式的瑜伽进行尝试和探索,并在1994年开始接触阿斯汤加瑜伽系统。这一瑜伽体系正是他一直苦苦寻求,想要找到的练习,从此,他全心全意地投入到阿斯汤加练习当中,不断深入。Tarik已经练习阿斯汤加瑜伽23年,在过去的18年中,每年会到印度向他的恩师Sri K.P. Jois (阿斯汤
加瑜伽流派创始人)和大师的外孙R. Sharath Jois(阿斯汤加瑜伽流派现在的掌门人)学习。他坚持每年到Mysore(印度迈索)学习,在2005年得到了Pattabhi Jois的祝福,在2012年获得了最高级别的认证
Tarik began exploring different forms of yoga in the early 1990’s. In 1994 he was introduced to the Ashtanga yoga system. It was precisely what he had been looking for and from that point on he has been dedicated to the system and to deepening his practice. Tarik has practiced Ashtanga yoga for 18 years and over the last 13 years he has studied with his primary teachers Sri K.P. Jois and his grandson Sharath Ranganswamy. He visits Mysore, Indian annually to continue his studies and practice and was blessed teach by Pattabhi Jois in 2005 and certified in 2012.
Tarik在世界范围内教学,同时他在日本东京教授日常的Mysore早课已经长达15年之久, 于2018年在菲律宾西亚高创建了Sadhana, 自此后世界各地的阿斯汤伽爱好者纷纷飞到西亚高跟随这位可敬的老师学习。
Tarik坚持恩师Sri Pattabhi Jois教授的最传统的阿斯汤加练习方式,为学生们提供最理想的环境,让他们在自我练习中,在属于自己的瑜伽中探索力量与美感。
在KPJAYI 学院里他是一个极其受众人尊敬的老师,也是 KPJAYI学院里掌门人不在时,唯一能领课的三位老师之一,他就是这么一个特别低调谦和的老师。
Tarik currently teaches all over the world he has been teachingdaily morning Mysore class in Shibuya, Tokyo for over 15 years. Tarik founded Sadhana in Siargao Philippines in 2018, ever since then tons of ashtanga practioners wento Siargo to study with Tarik all ove the world. Tarik is committed to teaching the traditional Ashtanga practice as taught by Pattabhi jois and providing students with an ideal environment for them to discover the beauty and power of their own practice and their own yoga.
迈索尔风格瑜伽是由Sri K. Pattabhi Jois和R. Sharath Jois教授的传统Ashtanga瑜伽练习。
Mysore style yoga is the traditional way to learn and practice
Ashtanga Yoga
as taught by
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
R. Sharath Jois.
In a Mysore style room each student practices only up to the place that is appropriate for their ability and experience. The teacher teaches each student individually and new asanas are given one by one the traditional sequence as the student builds strength, flexibility, concentration and stamina. Hands-on adjustments are often given for correction, to facilitate awareness and to guide a student beyond their perceived limitations. Advanced and beginner students practice together in the same space side by side. Mysore style practice ultimately enables students grow and progress at a pace that is safe and ideal for their unique abilities.
From day one students learn how to practice on their own while being guided and supported by the teacher. Mysore style is self practice under the watchful gaze of the teacher, adjusting when needed, advising as necessary, and advancing when ready. Students ideally learn discipline, concentration and how to practice in a way that is ideal for their unique nature.
Ashtanga vinyasa 每天都需要练习,除了星期六,新月和满月
The Ashtanga vinyasa method is intended to be a daily practice. The practice takes place every day except for Saturdays and Moon Days.
迈索尔课程是初学者学习Ashtanga的最佳方式。在这种情况下,初学者被单独教授,按照每个学生步伐进行指导。在迈索尔课程中,所有的学生都会从老师那里得到一对一的关注。学生们将通过适合自身独特的条件和能力学习新的体式。这样,老师可以为每个学生提供理想的实践。通常第一周我们将从Surynamaskara A(拜日A)开始,然后以适当的速度进步。对于新加入阿斯汤加瑜伽的人,我们鼓励坚持一个月每周至少需要3次练习。
The best way to learn Ashtanga yoga as a beginner is in a Mysore class. In this context beginners are taught individually and can be guided at a pace that is ideal for each student. In Mysore classes all students receive one to one attention from the teacher. Students are taught new asanas and progress through the series appropriate to their unique condition and abilities. In this way the teacher can facilitate the ideal practice for each student. Usually the first week we will start with Surynamaskara A and then we progress at an appropriate pace.
For people new to Ashtanga yoga we encourage a one month commitment of at least 3 times a week
Practice Notes
Please do not eat 3 hours before practice.
Please bathe or shower before practice.
Please do not wear perfumes or scented deodorent, oils (these can cause allergic reactions for others.)
Please take 3 days holiday during menstruation.
Please Mention any injuries or illness to your teacher or if you become pregnant.
Please enjoy your practice!
Please feel free to ask questions after practice or before
已接触 & 长期规律练习阿斯汤加的练习者 希望得到提升
培训时间 Time
Nov 21st-25th, 2019
培训费用 Price
工作坊地址 Add
昆明新闻路419号文化空间裙楼3栋3楼Space Shala空简瑜伽