[Core Release]
cli clienthas updated to V0.1.2-171026 version
[Wallet Update]
web-walletand PC-wallet have updated to V0.2.3 version synchronously
Updatecredits instruction
[Function Optimization]
Adoptdynamic measure verify mechanism, improve block synchronizedspeed of nodes, optimize verify mechanism of exist block data when nodes launchthat increasing speed of nodes launch sharply.
Increase overtimein default transaction and cache time of transaction in network layer, improveability of fault tolerance.
Optimizegenesis block time transfer calculating for browser compatibility.
[Bug Fix]
Modifyreplay problem when launching nodes.
Modify oneproblem in P2P network communication module which may cause block synchronizedthread hangs race condition problem.
Fix dragcontrol bug when collecting credits
[Function Release]
The officialwill release SDK and documentation after demo settled to the third-partycontent platform access. Further constructing oauth and sso login, supportingWechat and Alipay login.
[Transaction Fee Adjustment]
AfterEthernet Byzantine hard fork success, transaction fee decreased significantly,gateway fee from main net to ether network has declined to 5 YOYO.
#Community Performance
Community onchain released witness block lost remind and daily news service. All servicesare free to original developer and active third-party developer, primaryfunction is free to all witness for the first phone number and the first emailbanding, the first phone number bound of all witness can use advanced functionfor one month. https://onblockchain.org/t/topic/53
#Operation Performance
YOYOWteam did project report to SuZhou Bureau of Technology and Division of talent.