专栏名称: 新加坡眼
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新加坡眼  · 公众号  · 新加坡  · 2025-03-21 19:46


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2025年2月18日,新加坡副总理兼贸工部长颜金勇在国会书面答复宏茂桥 集选区 议员颜添宝、 荷兰-武吉知马 谢秉辉 关于 跨境绑架传闻对新加坡旅游业的影响 的口头质询。


颜添宝 (宏茂桥集选区议员) 询问副总理兼贸工部长:



46 谢秉辉 (荷兰-武吉知马议员) 询问副总理兼贸工部长:



颜金勇 (副总理兼 贸工部长) 答复:目前尚未观察到相关报道对新加坡游客人次产生负面影响。新加坡作为安全旅游目的地的国际声誉稳固,旅游业持续复苏——2024年国际访客人次达1650万,较2023年增长21%。

我们将继续强化新加坡 的低犯罪率、维护良好的公共基础设施以及作为世界上最安全城市之一的声誉。我们还将继续与业界紧密合作,加强我们多样化的旅游产品。


Mr Gan Thiam Poh asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry (a) what has been the impact on the number of tourist arrivals to Singapore as a result of the reported kidnapping of visitors to scam operators operating at the borders of Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia; and (b) what more can be done to assure visitors and to continue attracting them.

46 Mr Edward Chia Bing Hui asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry (a) what has been the impact on the number of tourist arrivals to Singapore following reports of visitors being kidnapped by scam operators operating at the borders of Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia; and (b) what specific strategies or initiatives is Singapore implementing to mitigate any negative spillover effects and position itself as a preferred destination for tourists keen on visiting both Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries.

Mr Gan Kim Yong : We have not observed any negative impact of the reported kidnapping of visitors at the border of Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia, on tourist arrivals to Singapore.

Singapore is widely regarded as a safe and attractive tourist destination. Our tourism sector has recovered steadily with international visitor arrivals increasing by 21% from 2023 to reach 16.5 million in 2024.

We will continue to highlight Singapore’s low crime rate, well-maintained public infrastructure and reputation as one of the world’s safest cities. We will also continue to work closely with the industry to enhance our diverse tourism offerings.



Alex丨 编审



