专栏名称: 時間的玩家TimeIsArt
分享与13月亮28天历法相关的电影、书籍、旅行、音乐。 畅玩这趟旅程~
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  時間的玩家TimeIsArt


時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-03-30 10:10


Sadhguru looks at how life and death are essentially a play of time, information and energy, and how we can become absolutely free if we conduct these three consciously.


When a human being is born, a certain software is set within him, which is a combination of time, energy and the information that he carries with him. These three together will determine various aspects of life. These three together will even determine how long a human being lives and how he lives. If this is so, is it all predetermined? The information is definitely predetermined. This does not mean you cannot take in new information. It is just that depending upon what sort of information you have, it kind of pushes or pulls you towards certain type of things. But this does not stop you from taking in fresh information today, this moment.


This whole heap of information is referred to as sanchita karma. According to the nature of the information, energy is allotted for different aspects of life. If the karmic information is veering towards physicality, you will see energies naturally allot themselves into the physical structure of who you are. If the information is leaning towards your intellectual process, accordingly the energy allots itself to that activity. If the information is very emotional, energy allots itself to that dimension. If it is inclining towards a spiritual dimension, then energy allots itself in that direction.

所有这些堆积的信息被称为藏业(译者:sanchita karma,指我们过去积累下来的业)。根据信息的性质,能量会被分配给不同的生命层面。如果业力信息朝向身体,你会发现能量也自然地被分配到你自身的身体结构。如果信息倾向于思维过程,相应地能量也会被分配到那里。如果信息与情绪十分相关,能量也会被分配到那个维度。如果信息趋向于灵性维度,那么能量也会被分配到那个方向。

This allotment is happening by natural tendencies, but this does not mean one cannot reallocate. One can reallocate but if you simply go by your tendencies, yes, life is predetermined. If you are 100% a slave of your tendencies, life is predetermined. We can very easily predict what will happen.


Time Waits For No One


Reallocation of energy, how we manage our energies, in which direction we focus energies, do we enhance it or do we deplete it – these things are very much in our hands. But the third dimension – which is an important component of one’s life – is time. Time is ticking away all the time. You can’t slow it down, you can’t hasten it. You can conserve your energy, you can throw your energy around, you can develop it, you can make it phenomenally big or insipid, but time is always going away.


Time has its own intelligence and flows according to certain parameters of karmic information and energy allotment that is available in one’s system. Can’t we do anything about it? We can, but that is a much more elusive dimension of life than the other two. The other two are much easier to manage and manifest in one’s life. Generating energy and using it the way you want, and not allowing your tendencies to determine the nature of your thought, emotion and activity, is much easier than taking charge of time. Even Adiyogi took charge of time only when he was in certain states. When he was in such states we refer to him as Kala Bhairava.

时间有自己的智慧,并且根据业力信息的某些参数以及一个人系统中可用的能量分配而流动。我们对时间不能做点什么吗?我们可以,但是相比其它两种而言,时间是一个更加难以把握的生命维度。在一个人的生命中要管理和显化其它两种要容易多了。产生能量,以你想要的方式利用能量以及不让你的秉性决定你的想法、情绪和活动的性质,这比起掌控时间来说要容易多了。甚至阿迪瑜吉(Adiyogi,湿婆,第一位瑜伽士)也只能在某些状态下才能掌控时间。当他处在这些状态下时,我们称他为嘎拉陪胪(Kala Bhairava)。
