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中国金融四十人论坛  · 公众号  · 金融  · 2017-11-06 20:45


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应中国金融四十人论坛(CF40)秘书处之邀,美国财政部前副部长Nathan Sheets发表了他对特朗普访华的看法,以下为中英文访谈实录(注:中文实录由CF40秘书处翻译)。

Nathan Sheets是美国彼得森国际经济研究所(PIIE)访问学者,曾任美国财政部国际事务副部长、花旗集团国际经济研究主管、美联储国际金融部负责人,系美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)三位经济学家之一。他曾就中国经济再平衡与去杠杆等问题发表观点,认为经济再平衡和去杠杆是相互影响和促进的过程,也是中国实现经济可持续发展的关键,中国必须加速市场化改革来推动上述进程。

Nathan Sheets

CF40:您对特朗普总统首次访华有何期待? 特朗普对中国的贸易政策立场会“软化”吗? 中国需要做什么准备?

Nathan Sheets:世界密切关注特朗普总统的首次访华。特朗普政府仍在努力确立对华经济政策的立场。美国政府内部在对华应采取多么强硬的立场或者是应在多大程度上寻求互惠成果的问题上有多种意见。政府内部的怀疑论者(我认为是错误地)认为,美国和中国之间的互动整体上已经损害了美国的经济。为此,总统访问的基调将具有重大意义。他是否寻求共同点以及有共同利益的领域?还是更重视分歧和抱怨?鉴于所有这些,会晤能够取得的有意义的实际成果的范围是有限的。最好的结果是,像几个月前的海湖庄园会晤一样,这次访问提出了一个关于未来关系的愿景并确定了双方在谈判中关注的问题。 



Nathan Sheets:美国和中国有着共同利益的领域是广泛和多样的。作为世界上最大的两个经济体,两国在全球经济和金融体系的稳定以及世界地缘政治、外交和安全等方面都有重大利益。这些共同的利害关系已经成为两国几十年来双边关系和对话的基础。




CF40:中国在美国的并购遇到了监管障碍,特别是在半导体等高科技行业。 在特朗普访问期间是否有可能在相关问题上取得突破?

Nathan Sheets:中国收购现有的美国公司将受美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)的审查。 CFIUS的法定职权具体而细致。所考虑的唯一问题是拟议的收购是否会对美国构成任何国家安全威胁。CFIUS的评估过程是受限的,法令中列出了关键的要素。




Nathan Sheets:杰罗姆•鲍威尔领导下的美联储货币政策可能会与近年来的政策走向基本一致。考虑到通货膨胀和失业的表现,加息可能会持续,但加息的速度将会是渐进的。无论如何,这都取决于即将到来的经济数据。美联储将继续缓慢削减其资产负债表,并将尽最大努力向公众和市场传达其政策的机理。在金融监管方面,鲍威尔领导下的美联储可能会继续寻求一个强劲、资本充足的金融体系。在此基础上,美联储将会寻找缓和监管要求的机会,只要这样的行动不至于危及金融稳定。这可能包括重新调整强化杠杆率要求、修改沃尔克规则,以及放松美联储的压力测试。



CF40:Expectations for President Trump’s first visit to China?  WillTrump’s position on trade policy be “softened” when he goes to China?  What preparations are needed for China? 

Nathan Sheets:The world will be watching closely as President Trump arrives for his first visit in China. The Trump Administration is still workingthrough the stance of its economic policies toward China.  There are a variety of views within the Administration as to how strident the United States should be in its relationship with China or, alternatively, the scope for seeking mutually beneficial outcomes.  The skeptics in the Administration have argued, incorrectly I believe, that the interactions betweenthe United States and China have on net damaged the U.S. economy.  For this reason, the tone of the President’s visit will have great significance.  Does he seek common ground and areas of joint interest? Or is there more emphasis on disagreements and complaints?  Given all of this, the scope for meaningful concrete deliverables is limited.   The bestcase outcome is that, like Mar-a-Lago some months ago, the visit gives rise to a vision for the relationship going forward and identifies issues for the two sides to focus on in their negotiations. 

To achieve a favorable outcome,it will likely also be necessary for China to accelerate its progress on some fundamental economic reforms.  The Administration will be looking for China to get traction on further opening its markets to U.S. trade and investment.  In addition, China will need to strengthen its efforts to address excess capacity in key sectors.  

CF40:What are the areas of common interest between China and the United States?  Potential areas of cooperation?

Nathan Sheets:The areas of common interest between the United States and China are broad and diverse.  As the world’s two largest economies, both countries are deeply invested in the stability of the global economy and financial system, as well as the world’s geopolitical, diplomatic, and security functioning.  These over-arching common interests have formed the basis for the bilateral relationship and dialogue between the two countries for decades.    

Given this reality, the relationship between the United States and China has in the past functioned according to something of a “separation principle.”  The two sides have worked to make progress on areas of common interest, while also vigorously litigating issues of disagreement.  By my reckoning, this has served both countries well.

The question going forward is whether this approach continues.  At present, the U.S. Administration is placing more emphasis on areas of disagreement in the economic relationship—for example, the size of China’s bilateral trade surplus with the United States, the magnitude of Chinese capacity in industries such as steel and aluminum, and the nature of China’s economic interactions with North Korea. There is a real risk that these issues of disagreement will overshadowand stymie progress on other common interests.

What might an affirmative agenda look like?  First, in the closing days of the previous Administration, the two sides were making good progress toward a high-quality Bilateral Investment Treaty.  This kind of agreement holds the prospect of benefiting both countries.  It would help level theplaying field for U.S. firms in China, motivate reforms in the Chinese economy,and also layout transparently what Chinese firms can expect as they compete in the United States.  Further steps to encourage China to act a responsible stakeholder in the global system would also be mutually beneficial.  Consistent with this, the two sides could work together to continue to reform and strengthen the functioning of the IMF, World Bank, and other MDBs.  A more ambitious undertaking would be joint efforts to bolster and strengthen the multilateral trading system.  These are just examples of areas that would benefit from mutual collaboration. 

CF40:China’s M&A in the United States has encountered regulatory obstacles, particularly in high-tech industries such as semiconductors.  Is it possible to make a break-through on relevant issues during Trump’s visit?  

Nathan Sheets:Chinese acquisitions of existing U.S. firms are subject to review under the CFIUS framework.  The statutory mandate of CFIUS is specificand concrete.  The single issue considered is whether the proposed take over poses any national security threats to the United States.  The process that CFIUS uses to evaluate this question is disciplined, with key elements also outlined in statute.

Given that the features of the CFIUS process are determined by U.S. law, this is not an area where the Administration has much negotiating flexibility.  The United States can make efforts to better explain how the review works and what is expected, but there is little scope to modify the parameters of the review without action from Congress.  To this point, however, there are currently proposals circulating in Congress that would go in exactly the opposite direction.  There is significant political support for expanding the remit of CFIUS to give the process greater flexibility to review and, possibly, reject foreign investment into the United States.

There is strong evidence that foreign investment into the United States stimulates U.S. growth and employment.  It is imperative that the United States remain open to such inflows. By the same token, the United States has legitimate national security interests that need to be protected, and foreign firms considering investment in the United States must be cognizant of this fact.  My feeling is that the structure of the CFIUSprocess has done a good job of balancing these offsetting considerations.  A tougher question is whether the United States also has economic interests that should be protected.  My instinct is that, in general, the economy is best served by allowing foreign investment to flow.  But even there, a case can be made that it is appropriate for the United States to have tools to address a concerted effortby a foreign country to acquire a large swath of an industry that produces some critical technology.

CF40:Fed monetary policy under Jerome Powell?  Potential impacts on China’s monetary policy, the RMB, etc.

Nathan Sheets:Federal Reserve monetary policy under Jerome Powell is likely to continue on a trajectory that is broadly consistent with what has been seen in recent years.  Given the behavior of inflation and unemployment, rate hikes are likely to continue—but at a pace that will remain gradual and, in any event, that will depend on the features of the incoming economic data.  The Fed will continue to slowly pare its balance sheet, and will do its best to communicate the overall rationales for its policies to the public and the markets.  On financial regulation, the Powell Fed is likely to continue to pursue policies to encourage a strong and well-capitalized financial system.  That said, the Fed will now be looking for opportunities to temper regulatory demands, to the extent that such actions can be taken without jeopardizing financial stability.  This could include somere calibration of the enhanced leverage ratio, modifications to the Volckerrule, and some easing of the Fed’s stress tests.

The implications of all of this for China are likely limited. Federal Reserve policy will remain regular and predictable, with few surprises compared with recent history. The bigger question involves the more general outlook for the U.S.economy.  This also seems quite favorable,with solid and relatively balanced growth poised to continue through the year ahead and likely beyond.









