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译术人生  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-13 08:08







因其灾害影响巨大,几乎没有人不知道 台风 “利奇马” 。据中国网报道,截至8月11日17时,台风“利奇马”造成浙江、上海、江苏、安徽、山东、福建等6省(市)651万人受灾,145.6万人紧急转移安置; 近3500间房屋倒塌,3.5万间不同程度损坏; 农作物受灾面积265.5千公顷。 浙江、上海、江苏等地3万多消防指战员共参加抢险救援5890起,营救遇险和疏散转移被困群众6257人。 小编在这里摘选了几篇关于台风 利奇马的英文报道里的句子,提炼一些表达。

With a maximum wind force of 187km/h, Typhoon Lekima, the ninth of the year, made landfall at about 1:45 am Saturday in Wenling city, Zhejiang, with Yongjia county the worst hit.

with a maximum wind force of...最高风速可达,做状语,修饰主语利奇马。 同时with some place the worst hit,某地受影响最重, hit 过去分词,打击、影响的意思。

另外值得注意的是,台风登陆, make landfall .

同和hit一样表达“打击、影响”的词还有 strike ,比如:

Typhoon Lekima strikes the coastal areas of Eastern Zhejiang province, August 9, 2019.

batter 也能表达此意:

High winds and heavy rains battered the financial hub of Shanghai on Saturday afternoon.

类似的还有 wreak havoc/mayhem/destruction on some place ,也是表达对某地产生严重影响、重创。

台风侵袭某地、席卷某地,可用动词 sweep across/through

Ninety-mile per hour winds swept across the plains. 时速 90 英里的强风横扫平原。

中文里常说的“刮台风”的“刮”可以用哪个动词呢? gust :

Typhoon Lekima has gusted as high as/at up to 168 kph 利奇马最高风速可达……

台风在沿海地区登陆的时候,总会掀起大浪,可用动词词组 beat against ,比如:

Huge waves beat against the sea shore as Typhoon Lekima approaches in Shitang township of Wenling city, East China's Zhejiang province, August 9, 2019.

huge waves beat against the sea shore颇有点“惊涛拍岸”的感觉。

类似的还有 churn up ,猛烈地搅动、翻起水、泥等:

Lekima is moving northwards, and will churn up the east coast of Shandong Province on Sunday.

台风会带来强降雨, downpours 这个名词经常见到,倾盆大雨。还可以是 lashings of heavy rains ,lashings of sth.大量的某事物:

But Thursday night's lashings of heavy rains had diminished to relatively light intermittent showers by Friday morning as Lekima moved north, heading toward China.

台风带来的强降雨导致城市内涝严重,这种水涝灾害可以用形容词 waterlogged 表示:

Cars are stranded on a waterlogged area.

strand 及物动词,使滞留,困住。 be stranded by a storm 被暴风雨困住了。受困居民stranded residents
