我们曾讲过《经济学人》一篇关于家暴的文章,结尾段是这样写的:✍🏻 For too long, the disastrous consequences of violence against women have been downplayed, ignored or denied. It is time for counter-measures that match the scale of the problem. ⻓期以来,人们一直淡化、忽视或否认针对女性的暴力行为所造成的灾难性后果。现在是时候采取与问题规模相称的对策了。我们可以从这句话里提炼出一个非常漂亮的句式:🍉 For too long, the disastrous consequences of __________ have been downplayed, ignored or denied. It is time for counter-measures that match the scale of the problem. ⻓期以来,人们一直淡化、忽视或否认... 所造成的灾难性后果。现在是时候采取与问题规模相称的对策了。这句话几乎可以挪用到任何需要呼吁大家行动的文章里,改掉具体的问题即可。我们拿「网络暴力」造个句:✍🏻 For too long, the disastrous consequences of online bullying have been downplayed, ignored or denied. It is time for counter-measures that match the scale of the problem.再拿「手机上瘾」举个例子:✍🏻 For too long, the disastrous consequences of smartphone addiction have been downplayed, ignored or denied. It is time for counter-measures that match the scale of the problem. 这个句式没有一个难词,但组合起来,非常地道、自然,让人眼前一亮。分享给大家[玫瑰]