专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-08 10:26


MoonIron and Steel Company (Misco) 公司人士告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),该公司的电弧炉方坯厂已经投产,但受新冠肺炎疫情影响,螺纹钢厂将不得不再等一段时间才能投产。

MoonIron and Steel Company (Misco) has commissioned its electric arcfurnace-based billet plant but will have to wait a while longer to launch therebar mill due to Covid-19-related delays, a company official tells Kallanish .

这家新的钢铁企业已与 Duferco 签署了一份承购协议,按照该协议, Duferco 已经在销售这家年产能 120 万吨新方坯厂生产的 130mm 150mm 方坯。

Thenew steelmaker has signed an offtake agreement with Duferco that isalready seeing the trader sell 130mm and 150mm square billet produced at thenew 1.2 million tonnes/year capacity billet plant.

然而,生产 8-40mm 直径螺纹钢的年产能 110 万吨轧机目前无法完成试运行,因为受新冠肺炎疫情影响,负责监督该过程的工程师无法进入阿曼。该公司希望能在 4 月底前进行试运行。

The 1.1m t/y capacity rolling mill for8-40mm diameter rebar, however, cannot currently complete commissioning as theengineers required to supervise the process cannot travel into Oman due toCovid-19 restrictions. The firm is hopefulcommissioning can be carried by the end of April.

Misco 钢厂 的部分股权由海湾投资公司 (Gulf Investment Corporation) 、阿曼发展基金 (OmanDevelopment Fund) 和苏丹特种部队养老基金 (Sultan Special Forces Pension Fund) 持有。 该厂位于苏哈尔,这里也是 Jindal Shadeed ( 粗钢年产 200 万吨 ) Sohar Steel ( 粗钢年产能 60 万吨 ) 再轧厂 Al Jazeera Steel ,以及淡水河谷 (Vale) 年产 900 万吨 铁矿石球团 的所在地

TheMisco steelworks is partly owned by Gulf Investment Corporation, OmanDevelopment Fund and the Sultan Special Forces Pension Fund. Its location ofSohar is home to 2m t/y crude steelmaker Jindal Shadeed, 600,000 t/y crudesteel capacity Sohar Steel, and re-roller Al Jazeera Steel, as well as Vale’s9m t/y iron ore pelletising plant.

新钢厂为阿曼这样一个相对较小的市场增加了重要的炼钢能力。它将在国内螺纹钢市场与 Jindal Shadeed Sohar Steel 展开竞争,并将向邻近的消费大国阿联酋出口。

The new steelworks adds significant newsteelmaking capacity to a relatively small market like Oman. It will be competing against Jindal Shadeed and Sohar Steel in thedomestic rebar market, as well as for exports to neighbouring largerconsumer United Arab Emirates.

世界钢铁协会的数据显示,自 2014 Shadeed 的电弧炉投产以来,阿曼方坯出口量有所增加, 2018 年总计 63.3 万吨,而 2017 年为 48.1 万吨, 2016 年为 10.8 万吨。

Omaniexports of billet have increased since Shadeed commissioned its EAF in 2014,totalling 633,000t in 2018 versus 481,000t in 2017 and 108,000t in 2016,according to worldsteel data.

同时, 2018 年阿曼的成品钢材表观消费量同比增长 2% 147 万吨。

Oman’sapparent finished steel consumption, meanwhile, rose 2% on-year in 2018 to1.47mt.



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
