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GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-20 12:15



作者:Todd Brown

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在最近一期由经济学家情报部门发布的名为“健康的作用 在工作场所中的影响”报告中,作者发现大小企业中 69% 的员工在调查中认同“健康是企业文化中的一个重要环节。”报告还发现总体上来说,“员工在创建企业的健康文化方面来说总体来说很成功。”一个健康的文化能调动员工的积极性,报告的作者相信这也代表企业的竞争力。




GTD®搞定 这时候就能起到作用了。要同时具备高效的生产力和无压力是可以实现的。运用 GTD® 搞定 的方法能帮助我们在更少的时间,以最少的压力完成更多正确的事,除此之外你的头脑还能很清晰。我们专注于工作时产生的阻碍,从各方面来掌控我们的工作。

GTD® 搞定 是工作及生活的心理健康。

如何证明?我们对于我们的客户进行了调查 (点击阅读更多) 67% 的客户反馈到在使用了 GTD® 搞定 的方法以后,压力急剧的下降。同时 82% 的客户反馈到使用该方法后生产力急剧的上升,相比在使用 GTD® 搞定 之前,只有 29% 的客户有良好的生产力。

如果你有涉及到企业的健康项目,问一下自己这个项目是否能帮助你提高生产力,无压力的工作。因为最好的健康项目可以实现这 2 点。

What’s missing from your organisation’s wellness programme

- Todd Brown

In many organisations these days, wellness is ‘the new black’, a hot topic from board room to break room.

In a recent report from the Economist Intelligence Unit, “The Wellness Effect– The Impact of Workplace Programmes”, the report’s authors found that 69% of employees surveyed in organisations large and small agreed that “wellness (is) an important part of their organisation’s culture.”

The report also found that overall, “…employers’ efforts to create a wellness culture have been broadly successful.”  Having a wellness culture drives employee engagement, and the report’s authors believe that it also represents a competitive advantage for organisations.

When it comes to the structure of the wellness programmes themselves, the report found that the most common elements include stress-management techniques, flexible work schedules, healthier food options in break rooms and canteens, better ergonomics, financial counselling, and meditation or yoga classes. Interestingly, employees and employers differed on which elements companies should emphasise to alleviate stress: through focused stress management programmes (as most employers believe), or through more flexible working hours (as more employees believe).

All very valuable things.  But it seems most organisations’ wellness programmes are missing something quite fundamental here.

Organisations’ approach to wellness is targeted primarily at things that can help outside of the work we do . Very few programmes are focusing on making the experience of working itself more stress free, and enhancing productivity.

And this is where the work we do in GTD ® comes in.  Being highly productive and being stress-free are far from being mutually exclusive, quite the contrary. Implementing GTD ® helps us get more of the right things done, in less time, with less stress, and better mental clarity. We focus on removing the grit from our working practices, enabling better perspective and a sense of relaxed control in our work.

GTD ® is wellness for the mind at work and play.

The proof? In a recent survey click 阅读更多
