专栏名称: 中债估值中心
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Daily Report of China Bond Market 2020-8-24

中债估值中心  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-08-24 20:30


Bond Market Performance

ChinaBond Index Trend Analysis

ChinaBond Composite Index tracking general performance of bond market dropped today. The net price index excluding interest revenue declined by 0.0563%; and the total return index including interest reinvested revenue declined by 0.0255%. In addition, the Cap-weighted YTM was 3.4145%. And the Cap-weighted duration was 4.0712.

Sovereign Bonds

The Sovereign Bonds market went up today. To be more specific, the yield of SKY_3M was stable at 2.20%; the yield of ChinaBond Government Bond_2Y went up by 2BP to 2.68%; and the yield of SKY_10Y went up by 2BP to 3.00%.

Corporate Bonds

The Corporate Bonds market went up today. To be more specific, the ChinaBond CP&Note Yield Curve (AAA) of 3M/3Y/5Y changed by 0BP, 3BP and 1BPto 2.73%, 3.54% and 3.88%, respectively; while the ChinaBond CP&Note Yield Curve (A) of 1Y went up by 2BP to 9.71%.

Further information about fluctuations of bond market yields please refer to the chart of Changes of The Key-Term YTM of Main Yield Curves.


1. SKY is derived from ChinaBond Government Bond Yield Curve, including six key terms on 3M/1Y/3Y/5Y/7Y/10Y. It will be published on ChinaBond website at 5:30 every trading day of inter-bank bond market by ChinaBond Pricing Center.

2. The ChinaBond yield curves of corporate bonds are based on ChinaBond Market Implied Rating.

3. The daily update of ChinaBond Market Implied Rating please refer to Client terminal of ChinaBond Integrated Operation Platform and ChinaBond data download channel under ChinaBond Yield Curve and ChinaBond Market Implied Rating.

Data and Statistics


In order to keep the liquidity in the banking system adequate at a reasonable level, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) conducted reverse repo operations in the amount of RMB160 billion through rate-bidding on August 24, 2020.

Money Market

The Shibor went up today. The overnight Shibor went up by 10.15BP to 2.3595% and 1M Shibor went up by 2.50BP to 2.3640%.

Trea sury Futures

On August 24th, TS2012 went down by 0.04% to 100.325, the yield went up by 0.31BP to 2.7801%; TF2012 went down by 0.09% to 99.990, the yield went up by 0.72BP to 2.9877%; T2012 went down by 0.14% to 98.285, the yield went up by 0.67BP to 3.1984%.

Foreign Exchange Data

On August 24th, the intermediate value of USD/CNY quotation was 6.9194 with CNY down by 87BP.

Stock Market

The stock markets went up today. SSE composite index went up by 4.96 points (or 0.15%) to 3385.64 points, Shenzhen component index went up by 188.69 points (or 1.40%) to 13666.69 points, and ChiNext price index went up by 52.18 points (or 1.98%) to 2684.63 points.
