If stepping up translates for some managers as a feeling of stepping down,
better understanding and preparing for this transition
may help avoid
the potentially costly consequences of disenchantment.
1.disenchantment: no longer feeling enthusiasm for sb/sth; not believing sth is good or worth doing
Mastroianni and his colleagues found that only 2 percent of conversations ended at the time both parties desired, and only 30 percent of them finished when one of the pair wanted them to. In about half of the conversations, both people wanted to talk less, but their
point was usually different. Participants in both studies reported, on average, that the desired length of their conversation was about half of its actual length.
To the researchers’ surprise, they also found that it is not always the case that people are held
by talks: In 10 percent of conversations, both study participants wished their exchange had lasted longer. And in about 31 percent of the interactions between strangers, at least one of the two wanted to continue.
Most people also
failed at
their partner’s desires. When participants guessed at when their partner had wanted to stop talking, they were off by about 64 percent of the total conversation length.
Nicholas Epley, a behavioral scientist at the University of Chicago, who was not on the research team, wonders what would happen if most conversations ended exactly when we wanted them to. “How many new insights, novel
or interesting facts of life have we missed because we avoided a longer or deeper conversation that we might have had with another person?” he asks.
While this cannot be determined in the countless exchanges of everyday life, scientists can design an experiment in which talks either end at precisely the point when a participant first wants to stop or continue for some point beyond.
“Do those whose conversations end just when they want them to actually
end up
with better conversations than those that last longer?” Epley asks. “I don’t know, but I’d love to see the results of that experiment.”
本文节选自:Scientific American(科学美国人)
作者:Rachel Nuwer
原文标题:People Literally Don’t Know When to Shut Up—or Keep Talking—Science Confirms