专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
据统计,考研英语文章90%来自国外的《The Economist》,《Times》,《Science》等杂志。本地持续更新。。。
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-07-22 06:00



熟悉材料 :先不要打开音频,自行熟悉材料,遇到不认识的单词也不要查,尽量理解文意;

听音理解 :收听音频,边听边按照讲解记录笔记,摘抄重点句子翻译,反复琢磨;

录音对比 :每天坚持录下自己的朗读,并把自己的朗读和主播对比,逐步改进;

翻译打卡 :将原文根据主播讲解翻译摘抄,发到早起团打卡群打卡;

口语打卡 :选择自己最好的一遍录音,发到口语打卡群。

Wake up, get up, and level up.

今日 签到打卡 Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.

BGM:Into the Fire (Alternate Version)-Marilyn Manson


Open-ended contract 无固定期合同

Accountability system 问责制

Couch surfer 沙发客

Referendum 全民公投

Emotional sunstroke 情绪中暑

Bromeo 男闺蜜

Counterfeit note 假钞

Illegal fundraising 非法集资

Secondary disaster 次生灾害

Squeal on someone 打小报告

Cyber manhunts 人肉搜索




Sexual harassment in tech: Women tell their stories

It was 2001 during the dotcom crash, and Cecilia Pagkalinawan had a tough choice: Raise more money for her startup or let 26 employees go.She set up a meeting with a powerful venture capitalist in New York City, who she hoped would want to invest.

Pagkalinawan said she can't recall how many times her glass was refilled.She does, however, remember the VC touching her leg, leaning over to kiss her, and telling her that he wanted to take care of her.She excused herself to the restroom, vomited, then called a friend and fled the restaurant.

dotcom crash 网站攻击

startup ['stɑrt'ʌp] 启动,开办

venture ['vɛntʃɚ] n. 风险项目,风险投资;冒险事业   v. [I always + adv/prep] 冒风险〔去某处〕 |[T] 小心地说;谨慎地做 | nothing ventured, nothing
