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闺蜜与“敌蜜”,如何一眼识别?| 外媒说

独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-10-13 19:20


# 写在前面


「敌蜜」用英文怎么说?大家不用绞尽脑汁想翻译啦,英文里有一个现成的词儿: frenemy

friend enemy 合成,可以翻译为「友敌」。比起「敌蜜」这个有点污名化女性友谊的词儿, frenemy (友敌)更加中性客观。
什么是 frenemy ?如何识别 frenemy ?我选了外媒的一篇报道,带大家读一读。这篇文章的词汇非常丰富、地道,大家拿出小本本,做好笔记。

# 外刊原文


# 外刊精读


Fickle friends: 4 ways to identify frenemies
Are they your friends? Or enemies?
The answer: In Facebook lingo , ‘it’s complicated’!
假如用脸书上感情状态的术语表达,那就是: 很复杂!

  • fickle [ˈfɪk.l ̩] 为形容词,指「反复无常的,三心二意的,靠不住的」 (often changing their mind in an unreasonable way so that you cannot rely on them)
    a fickle friend 便指「反复无常的朋友,靠不住的朋友」。

    fickle 也常用来形容天气。
    London's weather can be fickle. 伦敦的天气变幻莫测。

  • identify [ʌɪˈdɛntɪfʌɪ] 为动词,指「认出,识别」,相当于 recognize

  • frenemy 大家一眼就能看出来,是由 friend enemy 合成的一个词儿,直译就是「友敌」。

  • lingo [ˈlɪŋgəʊ] 为不可数名词,指「行话,术语」。

    Facebook上感情状态那一栏,除了 single (单身), in a relationship (恋爱中)这类常规选项之外,还可以选: It's complicated( 很复杂)。这就是Facebook上的一个专门说法(lingo)。

    lingo ,也可以叫作 jargon


    You know, it's hard for me not use the lingo.

Not all relationships can be boxed into neat little categories such as well-wishers or foes . Sometimes, friends are just like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates - “You never know what you are going to get.”

  • category 为可数名词,指「类别,种类」。 box sth into neat little categories 便表示「把...进行干净利落地分类」。
  • wish sb well 是「祝某人好运」的意思。 well-wisher 便指「表示祝愿的人」。
  • foe [fəʊ] enem y 一样,指「敌人」。

# 友敌是什么意思?

What Is A Frenemy?

A frenemy is a person who defies the conventional parameters of friendship. While they may appear outwardly supportive or affable, deep down they may compete with you, or harbour ill will or resentment towards you.

  • defy 为动词,这里指「违抗,反 抗」,相当于refuse to obey sth。


    Look, you defied my wishes.
  • conventional [kənˈventʃənəl] 为形容词,指「传统的,常规的」,相当于 normal, ordinary


    It's not a conventional social life.

  • parameter [pəˈræmɪtər] 为名词 ,指「范围,标准」。文中 the conventional parameters of friendship 便指「传统的友谊范围」

    I fall squarely within the parameters of Generation "X".

  • While..., ... 这里指「虽然,尽管,...」,表示让步。

  • outwardly 为副词,指「外表上,从表面上看」。

  • affable [ˈæfəbl ̩] 为形容词,指「亲切友善的,友好的」 (pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to)

    She was civil and affable, but she could hardly conceal her intimate conviction that she was not quite as others were. 她对人和蔼亲切,但另一方面她几乎毫不掩饰自己内心的信念,她同一般人是有所不同的。

  • deep down 指「内心深处,心底」。这个词儿在口语里也很高频。

    Deep down, I probably knew the truth.

    I knew deep down something was wrong with Eve.

  • harbour 作名词指「港湾」,作动词,为 提供港湾,引申为「包含,藏有」的意思 ,后面 一般跟不好的东西。
    比如 Your dishcloth can harbour many germs. 洗碗布 中可能藏有很多病菌。

    harbour 还可喻指「怀有,心怀」,后面一般跟负面感情或不好的想法。
    文中 harbour ill will or resentment towards you 便表示「怀有对你的恶意或怨恨」。
    I think he's harbouring some sort of grudge against me. 我觉得他对我有点怀恨在心。

    Is there anyone else who might harbor a grudge against you?
  • ill 作形容词,这里不是指「有病的」,而是形容「坏的,有害的」,相当于 bad, harmful。
    ill will
    指「恶意,敌意」 ,反义词为
    good will
  • resentment [rɪˈzentmənt] 为不可数名词, 指「怨恨,愤恨」 (a feeling of anger or unhappiness about something that you think is unfair) resentment towards / against sb 指「对 的怨恨」。

    Everything I know has been colored by your resentment.

  • resent [rɪˈzent] 为动词, resent sb / sth 指「对 感到怨恨」。

    You're allowed to resent him.

These can include a well-meaning friend who is envious of your successes. The BFF is a pillar of support when you are undergoing a crisis , but also talks about your troubles to others behind your back.

Usually, a conflict of interests (personal or professional) can create a frenemy.


  • well-meaning 为形容词,指「出于好心的,好心好意的,善意的」

  • be envious of sb / sth envy s b / sth 一样,表示「羡慕 ,嫉妒 」。
    be envious of sb's successes 便指「嫉妒某人的成功」。

    I'm envious of your generation, you know .

  • BFF 就是Best friend(s) forever的缩写,指「最好的朋友」。

  • a pillar of sth 指「 的支柱」。

    He is a pillar of the community.

  • undergo 为动词,指「经历,遭受」,后面一般跟变化,或者不好的事。 undergo a crisis 便指「经历危机」。 我们也可以说 go through a crisis

  • behind one’s back 就是指「在某人背后」。

    You went behind my back? I'd never do that to you?

  • a conflict of interests 指「利益冲突」。 interest 作可数名词,有「利益」的意思。

# 如何识别友敌?

How To Spot A Frenemy

Unlike a bona-fide toxic person (who makes no bones about how they feel about you), frenemies are very difficult to identify, as they often mask their true nature behind a veneer of support or warmth. However, there are some set patterns to their behaviour.


  • spot 作动词,指「发现,看出,认出」,与标题中的 identify 互为同义替换。
  • bona-fide [ˌbəʊnəˈfaɪdi]  来自拉丁语,指「真正的,真实的,真诚的」 (real, legal or true; not false)


    a bona fide college graduate


    Christmas means different things to different people. For some, it constitutes a bona fide religious experience. 圣诞节对不同的人有不同的涵义。在一些人看来,圣诞是一种至真的宗教体验。

  • toxic 指「有毒的」。 a toxic person 便指「一个有毒的人」。
    toxic parents 有毒的父母 a toxic relationship 有毒关系。

  • make no bones about sth 是个固定搭配,指「开诚布公,坦率直言」 (to be honest and open about sth; to not hesitate to do sth)

  • mask 作名词,指「口罩」,作动词,指「掩盖,掩饰,隐瞒」,相 当于hide sth。

    She took care to mask her misery.
  • nature 为名词,指「本性,天性」。 true nature 便指「真性」。
  • veneer [vəˈnɪər] 指「假象,伪装」。 a veneer of sth 指「...的伪装」。
    文中 behind a veneer of support or warmth 便指「支持和温暖的伪装之下」。

  • set 作形容词,指「固定的」 set patterns 指「固定的模式」。

1. They Will Be Less Than Happy When You Succeed

They will be hesitant to celebrate your highs. They may covet what you have or accomplished , so their congratulatory note or show of support may be lukewarm .

  • less than +adj. 指「一点儿也不」。 less than happy 便指「一点儿也不开心」。
    He was less than enthusiastic about the idea. 他对这个想法一点也不热心。

    反义词 more than +adj. 指「非常...」。

    I was less than excited.

    I’d be more than happy to fight in the front.

  • be hesitant to do sth 指「对做某事犹豫,不愿意做某事」。近义表达还有 be unwilling to do sth, be reluctant to do sth, be disinclined to do sth 等等。
  • covet [ˈkʌv.ɪt] 为动词,指「渴望,贪求,觊觎」别人的东西 (to have a very strong desire to have something that someone else has)

    I covet your pants suits.
    coveted 常用作形容词,指「人人向往的」。 比如: coveted jobs 人人向往的工作。

    But each applicant has only a 1-in-68 chance of landing a coveted ‘iron rice bowl’ position.

  • accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] 为动词,指「完成,实现」。名词形式为 accomplishment 指「成就」。

  • lukewarm [ˌluːkˈwɔːm] 为形容词,指「冷淡的,不热情的」 (not interested or enthusiastic)
  • congratulatory 为形容词,指「祝贺的」。 congratulatory notes / messages 便指「贺词」。

2. Frenemies Will Want To Hold You Back

They may be a bit too enthusiastic about giving you a ‘reality check’ whenever you are aspiring to something more - be it a better job or making a new investment. Under the guise of being practical, they may undermine your abilities, work ethic, etc.

  • hold sb / sth back 指「阻碍 的发展」 (to prevent someone or something from making progress)

    It's a very female trait, and it holds us back.

    It's like he's saying they're holding us back.

  • aspire [əˈspʌɪə] 为动词,指「追求,渴望,有志于」 (to desire and work towards achieving something important)

    短语 aspire to do sth , aspire to sth 指「有志于某事」。 分别看几个例子:

    She aspired to a scientific career. 她有志于科学事业。

    《经济学人》一篇关于 B 站的文章有这样一句话:

    Instead of promising to change the world, the firm aspires merely to “enrich the everyday life of young generations in China” . 它没有宣扬要改变世界,仅仅是希望 丰富中国当代年轻人的日常生活

  • aspiration 为名词,指「渴望,抱负,志向」。

  • under the guise of sth 指「在 的伪装之下」。 guise 为可数名词,指「伪装,外表,幌子」。 disguise 为动词,指「伪装,掩饰」。

  • undermine 为动词,指「逐渐削弱,损害」。

  • work ethic 指「职业道德」。 ethic [ˈeθɪk] 为不可数名词,指「道德,伦理标准」。

3 . Fre quent Veiled Insults

A frenemy will not be able to compliment you earnestly. Whenever you are looking for some emotional support, affirmation , or validation , all the support may come across as perfunctory or half-hearted . They may also be full of backhanded compliments - i.e. attempting to put you down under the guise of p rais ing you.

  • veil [veɪl] 作名词,是「面纱」的意思,作动词,戴上面纱,指「遮掩,掩盖」。

    unveil 揭开面纱,表示「公布,推出,出台」。

  • insult [ˈɪnsʌlt]  这里为名词,指「侮辱,辱骂,冒犯」。

    It sounds like a compliment but really, it's an insult.
  • earnestly 指「真诚地」,来自于形容词 earnest compliment sb earnestly 指「真诚夸赞某人」。

    I vaguely recall an extremely earnest conversation.

  • affirmation [ˌæfəˈmeɪʃən] 指「肯定,认可」。

  • validation [ˌvælɪˈdeɪʃən]  为可数名词,也指「认可」。
    external validation
    As I enter my early adulthood, I’m proud of the work I’ve done to cope with pressure by bolstering my self-esteem and minimizing my need for external validation. 随着步入成年,我能够依靠提升自尊和减少对外界认可的需求来应对压力,对此我感到十分自豪。

    validate 为动词,指「认同,承认...的价值」,相当于 recognise sth

    比如: Be sure to validate your child's feelings—don't minimize them. 一定要重视孩子的感受,千万不要不当回事。

  • come across as ... 指「给人...印象,让人觉得...」。 as 后面可跟名词、形容词、being+形容词。


    He comes across as a very intelligent sensitive man. 他给人的印象是非常聪明且体贴。

    He sometimes comes across as being rather arrogant. 有时他给人的印象相当傲慢。

    He comes across as warm and optimistic. 他会展现热情乐观的形象。

    我还联想到一个很高频的词: strike sb as ...
