【[106星]Awesome-Multi-Camera-3D-Occupancy-Prediction:一站式多视角3D空间预测资源库,助力自动驾驶与机器人视觉研究。亮点:1. 汇集100+前沿论文与代码,涵盖CVPR、ICCV等顶会;2. 提供最新研究动态,助力快速掌握行业趋势;3. 开源免费,适合学术与工业界】
'Awesome papers and code about Multi-Camera 3D Occupancy Prediction, such as TPVFormer, SurroundOcc, PanoOcc, OccFormer, FB-OCC, SelfOcc, COTR, SparseOcc, GaussianFormer, GaussianOcc. In this repository, you will see the latest 3D occupancy prediction papers and code.'
GitHub: github.com/lvchuandong/Awesome-Multi-Camera-3D-Occupancy-Prediction
#自动驾驶# #3D视觉# #多视角预测# #AI创造营#
'Awesome papers and code about Multi-Camera 3D Occupancy Prediction, such as TPVFormer, SurroundOcc, PanoOcc, OccFormer, FB-OCC, SelfOcc, COTR, SparseOcc, GaussianFormer, GaussianOcc. In this repository, you will see the latest 3D occupancy prediction papers and code.'
GitHub: github.com/lvchuandong/Awesome-Multi-Camera-3D-Occupancy-Prediction
#自动驾驶# #3D视觉# #多视角预测# #AI创造营#