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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-19 05:02



民主党(Democratic Party,缩写D.N.C)美国左翼政党,与共和党并列为美国当代的两大主要政党之一。民主党由第七任美国总统安德鲁·杰克逊创建,但它的起源最早可以追溯至托马斯·杰斐逊在1792年创立的民主共和党。自从威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩在1896年掌控民主党以来,民主党在经济议题上的立场开始比共和党更为偏向左派。

共和党(英语:Republican Party),又常被简称为GOP(英语:Grand Old Party),是美国当代两大主要政党之一,另一个是民主党,两党都是起源于1792年成立的民主共和党。1854年创党以来,由共和党首位总统林肯至今,29任美国总统有19位都是共和党人。共和党创立时期,结合了当时反对奴隶制度扩张的政治势力,并且将党的价值奠基于“个人自由”和“国家团结”之上。而在当代政治中,共和党则被视为是社会保守主义(包括维护“家庭价值”)、经济古典自由主义(包括支持“保守财政政策”)以及在外交、国防问题上采取强硬态度(支持反恐战争)的右翼政党。

The Democrats


Destiny derailed


Hillary Clinton’s demoralised party faces some hard choices


Nov 12th 2016 | ATLANTA | From the print edition

2016年11月12日 亚特兰大 来自印刷版

All hat and no president

徒有其表 名不副实

A WEEK ago, demography was destiny for the Democrats. Along with many Republicans, they assumed—perhaps complacently—that swelling minority populations and left-leaning younger voters would form a winning electoral block, soon even an indomitable one. Instead they lost not only the White House but several governorships, their gains in Congress only pifflingly compensating for the attrition they have suffered, from the Senate to state houses, during Barack Obama’s presidency. In Kentucky’s house of representatives they lost their last legislative chamber in the South, a region in which their demographic hopes were strongest, but which instead remains a Republican bulwark.



The autopsy will be as rancorous as the fallout among Republicans would have been had Hillary Clinton won. For her party’s populist faction, the result confirms that she was a centrist throwback, a milksop out of touch with the public mood. For its centrists, some of the blame belongs to the left-wingers and their grouching. After the recriminations, this internecine row will focus on three linked issues.


First, strategy. For some, the debacle proves that the coalition on which Mrs Clinton relied—built around college-educated liberals, millennials and minorities—was insufficient and will be for a while, not least since Republican legislatures will persist in their gerrymandering and voter-suppression efforts. Thus the party must reconvert some of the white, blue-collar voters in the Rust Belt who clinched the White House for Donald Trump. Another reading is that it must emulate Mr Trump’s approach, by maximising turnout in existing constituencies. The poor Democratic showing in multiracial Milwaukee and Detroit, which helps to explain Mrs Clinton’s defeats in Wisconsin and Michigan, supports that analysis.


  • not least : 尤其,特别是

铁锈地带(Rust Belt)最初指的是美国中西部-五大湖附近,传统工业衰退的地区,现可泛指工业衰退的地区。在19世纪后期到20世纪初期,美国中西部因为水运便利、矿产丰富,因此成为了重工业中心。钢铁、玻璃、化工、伐木、采矿、铁路等行业纷纷兴起。匹兹堡、扬斯敦、密尔沃基、代顿、克利夫兰、芝加哥、哈里斯堡、伯利恒、布法罗、辛辛那提等工业城市也一度相当发达。然而自从美国步入第三产业为主导的经济体系之后,这些地区的重工业就纷纷衰败了。很多工厂被废弃,而工厂里的机器渐渐布满了铁锈,因此那里被称为了铁锈地带,简称锈带。

The corollary of this dispute is policy. Democrats, like other vanquished centre-left parties in the West, must decide if beating their opponents means joining them, or whether, morally and practically, they can’t. For some Mrs Clinton’s renunciation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership represented an insufficient disavowal of free-trade; they also regarded Mrs Clinton’s foreign-policy stance as too hawkish. The trouble is that Mr Trump has cornered the market in protectionism and isolationism. And even if the Democrats conclude that disenchanted voters want a more activist government—a dubious proposition—Mr Trump’s vows to protect Social-Security spending (public pensions) would complicate a bid to expand their base with more largesse. A tougher line on immigration, meanwhile, risks alienating the Hispanic voters they will continue to need.

争论的必然结果是政策的变化。民主党人,像其他失败的西部左派政党一样,必须决定打败他们的对手是否意味着要与对手结盟,或者在道德和实践角度考虑,是否意味着不能与对手实现联合。对于某些人来说,希拉里放弃泛太平洋伙伴关系就意味着对自由贸易还有容忍度。他们也认为希拉里的外交政策过于强硬。麻烦的是, 特朗普已强行实行市场贸易保护主义和孤立主义。即使民主党人推断失望的选民想要一个更激进的政府-当然这还是模棱两可的结论-特朗普发誓要保护的社会保障支出(公共养老金)将会使民主党陷入麻烦,扩大政党基地的规模需要更大力量和投入。同时,移民问题上的强硬路线,也可能会疏远民主党仍然需要的西班牙裔选民。

Add to this the conundrum of Mr Obama’s legacy. The oddity in this rout is that the president himself is still popular: his approval rating rivals
