The corollary of this dispute is policy. Democrats, like other vanquished centre-left parties in the West, must decide if beating their opponents means joining them, or whether, morally and practically, they can’t. For some Mrs Clinton’s renunciation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership represented an insufficient disavowal of free-trade; they also regarded Mrs Clinton’s foreign-policy stance as too hawkish. The trouble is that Mr Trump has cornered the market in protectionism and isolationism. And even if the Democrats conclude that disenchanted voters want a more activist government—a dubious proposition—Mr Trump’s vows to protect Social-Security spending (public pensions) would complicate a bid to expand their base with more largesse. A tougher line on immigration, meanwhile, risks alienating the Hispanic voters they will continue to need.
争论的必然结果是政策的变化。民主党人,像其他失败的西部左派政党一样,必须决定打败他们的对手是否意味着要与对手结盟,或者在道德和实践角度考虑,是否意味着不能与对手实现联合。对于某些人来说,希拉里放弃泛太平洋伙伴关系就意味着对自由贸易还有容忍度。他们也认为希拉里的外交政策过于强硬。麻烦的是, 特朗普已强行实行市场贸易保护主义和孤立主义。即使民主党人推断失望的选民想要一个更激进的政府-当然这还是模棱两可的结论-特朗普发誓要保护的社会保障支出(公共养老金)将会使民主党陷入麻烦,扩大政党基地的规模需要更大力量和投入。同时,移民问题上的强硬路线,也可能会疏远民主党仍然需要的西班牙裔选民。