Atrial Fibrillation Risk factors and Arrhythmogenic Substrates
This special issue will focus on mechanisms of atrial arrhythmogenic remodeling due to specific AF risk factors and/or patient-specific characteristics/features.
The objectives of this special issue are:
• To provide an overview of the current understanding of mechanisms underlying the atrial arrhythmogenic remodeling in the context of specific AF risk factors or patient-specific characteristics
• To highlight the knowledge gap
• To identify future research opportunities or potential therapeutic avenues
Manuscript submission information:
The Journal’s submission system is now open for submissions for the Special Issue “
Atrial Fibrillation Risk factors and Arrhythmogenic Substrates
When submitting your manuscript please select the article type ‘
VSI: Atrial Fibrillation
’ whichever is applicable. The submissions will be accepted for the special issue until
31st October 2023
Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before writing your manuscript.
The Guide for Authors:
The link to submit your manuscript is available on the Journal’s homepage at:
For queries, you may also write electronically to
[email protected]