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​开幕在即 | 2017 新经济 新聚合 新生长 中国产业地产发展趋势论坛

财新网  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-11-16 18:11


2017 New Economy,

New Merging, New Growth

China Industrial Real Estate

Growth Trend Forum



在此背景下,产业地产作为各产业集群聚集的重要载体,正日益受到包括房地产公司在内的各方密切关注。如何创新性的发挥产业与地产的各自优势,加强产业与地产的互动,实现双方相互促进、共同发展,将成为此次财新国际举办的“2017新经济 新聚合 新生长 - 中国产业地产发展趋势论坛”探讨的核心话题。



Forum Introduction

As the Chinese economic growth transitions from high speed to mid-high speed, Chinese economy enters the “new normal” which focuses upon reducing the supply and proceeding structural reforms. At meantime, innovations and startups are rising fast. How to take advantage of this new economy, concentrate different industrial sectors, support structural reform, and boost up China’s role in global value chain, are important issues lie ahead for both the government and business sectors.

Industrial real estate, as one critical platform for concentrating and integrating various sectors, it draws attention from different groups. How to uniquely explore the potentials of both industries and real estate, mutually interact and cooperate, are the primary aims for the “2017 New Economy, New Merging, New Growth: China Industrial Real Estate Growth Trend Forum.”.

This forum will have senior governmental officials, business leaders, and economics experts joining together, to discuss in-depth about how should the health, energy, technology, internet, and finance industries cooperate with the real estate industry for successful structural reform in this new economic era.

Meanwhile, by using the Caixin NEI data platform, the 2017 China Industrial Real Estate Trend Watch will also be released, and we welcome your presence to witness this historical moment together.



2017 China Industrial Real Estate

Trend Watch

The report will be based upon a series of factors including market research and interviews with professionals and business leaders, while considering the political and economic trend both domestic and abroad. It aims to provide critical and in-depth analysis about the challenges and opportunities Chinese industrial real estate companies may face under the new economic conditions. Also, it offers a future development trend outlook for Chinese industrial realestate sector with unique perspective, supporting both the government and companies to make precise judgement for the future.


日期: 2017年12月15日(周五)

地点: 上海静安香格里拉酒店


主办单位: 财新国际

