专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-06 09:07



Billet trade in the Black and MediterraneanSea markets has remained subdued due to extended holidays season in the past two weeks. Although initial signs were positive for continuation of an upbeat dynamic in the CIS billet export market, traders noted immediate confusion, following the news of a major Iranian military commander assassination late last week.

一位主要贸易商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询):“我们预计询盘将继续,中东和北非市场显现积极迹象。”这位贸易商补充说,目前局势不太明朗,但预期本周废钢价格仍将保持坚挺。

"We expected enquiries to continue,there were positive signs coming from the Middle East and North Africa," amajor trader tells Kallanish . The situation is slightly less clear now,although expectations for strong scrap prices this week remain, the traderadds.

独联体钢厂没有积极提供方坯报盘,原因是部分 2 月产品已经售出。贸易商称,能够以 410-415 美元 / fob 黑海订购独联体方坯,而一些钢厂的标价仍在 420 美元 / fob 。他们表示,能够以 425-430 美元 / fob 订购土耳其方坯,这两个地区的价格相比假期前的水平只是略微走弱。

CISmills are not actively offering billet, as a part of February casting volumesis already sold. Traders claim CIS billet can be booked  at $410-415/tonne fob Black Sea, with some mills still keeping a $420/t fob price tag. Turkish billet can be booked at $425-430/t fob, with both regions'prices only a fraction softer than pre-holidays' levels, they note.

贸易商说,东南亚市场非常安静,贸易商对俄罗斯资源的报盘约为 450 美元 / cfr ,比 12 月末的交易水平高 10 美元 / 吨左右。但他们指出,买家无视这些报盘,原因是一些买家仍在休假,以及价格上涨——这与成品长材市场走弱不符。

Southeast Asia is very quiet, with offers by traders of Russian material circling around the $450/t cfr mark, around$10/t up on late December deals, traders say. But they note buyers are ignoring these offers, as holidays continue for some purchasers, and due to the increase, which is not in line with the softer long finished products’ market.

本周卖家不太可能降价。由于 2 月较短,并且 2 月产品已经售出一半,他们仍将持观望态度,似乎对涨价将持续到 1 月中旬抱有信心。特别是俄罗斯钢厂期望新的建筑季节将他们的方坯一扫而空,以满足国内长材需求,而对全球废钢市场坚挺的预测也给看涨预期带来动力。一些人表示,根据当前的市场基本面,价格可能在 1 月企稳,但预计不会下跌。

Sellers are unlikely to reduce prices this week. With February being a short month and already half sold, they remain comfortably in a wait-and-see position, and seem confident the price rise will continue by mid-January. Russian mills especially are counting on a newconstruction season sweeping up their billet for domestic long product needs,while global scrap market strength forecasts add impetus to bullishexpectations. Prices may plateau in January, some say, but price falls are not expected, based on current fundamentals.


