AS THE well-known Australian philosopher, Kylie Minogue, once pointed out, it can be a source of comfort to remember that, no matter what else is happening, the world still turns. Unfortunately, things are not quite so simple. Thanks to the moon’s gravitational tug, the speed at which Earth spins has been slowing since the satellite’s birth about 4.5bn years ago. Physicists can calculate from first principles how big the effect should be. It turns out that the moon should be adding about 2.3 milliseconds to the length of the day with each century that passes. This means, for instance, that 100m years ago, when dinosaurs ruled Earth, a day was nearer 23 than 24 hours.
正如著名的澳大利亚哲学家Kylie Minogue曾说过,无论发生什么,世界都不会改变---经常被用作心灵鸡汤之言。不幸的是,世界似乎没有这位哲学家形容的这么简单:由于月球的引力作用,相比于45亿年前月球成为地球卫星时,地球的自转一直都在变慢。物理学家能够利用第一性原理计算出地球自转变慢的影响有多大。结果是每100年地球日长就增加2.3毫秒。这意味着一亿年前恐龙时代,地球自转一周大概只需要23小时而不是现在的24小时。