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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-16 06:01




Ancient eclipses show how days are getting longer


The value of ancient records


Dec 10th 2016


AS THE well-known Australian philosopher, Kylie Minogue, once pointed out, it can be a source of comfort to remember that, no matter what else is happening, the world still turns. Unfortunately, things are not quite so simple. Thanks to the moon’s gravitational tug, the speed at which Earth spins has been slowing since the satellite’s birth about 4.5bn years ago. Physicists can calculate from first principles how big the effect should be. It turns out that the moon should be adding about 2.3 milliseconds to the length of the day with each century that passes. This means, for instance, that 100m years ago, when dinosaurs ruled Earth, a day was nearer 23 than 24 hours.

正如著名的澳大利亚哲学家Kylie Minogue曾说过,无论发生什么,世界都不会改变---经常被用作心灵鸡汤之言。不幸的是,世界似乎没有这位哲学家形容的这么简单:由于月球的引力作用,相比于45亿年前月球成为地球卫星时,地球的自转一直都在变慢。物理学家能够利用第一性原理计算出地球自转变慢的影响有多大。结果是每100年地球日长就增加2.3毫秒。这意味着一亿年前恐龙时代,地球自转一周大概只需要23小时而不是现在的24小时。

  • gravitational tug:引力作用

  • satellite:n. 卫星

  • dinosaur:n. 恐龙


But that 2.3 milliseconds is only an average. Geological events within Earth can speed the process up, or slow it down. Tracking changes in day length over time is thus of interest. And that requires data. Thanks to the development of super-accurate atomic clocks in the 1950s, and to laser range-finding equipment left on the moon by the Apollo astronauts, researchers have plenty of such data from the past half-century. But more information is always welcome. And extra data are exactly what a team led by Leslie Morrison, a retired professional astronomer, have just provided. In a study just published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society they use observations made by ancient Chinese, Babylonian, Greek and Arab astronomers to reconstruct the history of Earth’s rotation over the past two and a half millennia.

不过2.3微秒只是一个平均值。地球上每一次地质变化都能加快或减慢这个速度。追踪日的长短不仅需要兴趣,还需要数据。多亏了二十世纪五十年代的超高精度原子钟的发展,以及阿波罗宇航员在月球上安装的激光测距设备,研究人员得以掌握了近半个世纪以来的大量的数据。不过信息肯定是越多越好的。一位名为Leslie Morrison的退休的前专业天文学家及其领导的团队恰好证实了这一点并于近日在《英国皇家学会学报》发表了他们的研究成果。他们利用古代中国,巴比伦,希腊以及阿拉伯几个国家近两个半世纪的观测数据揭露了地球自转的历史。

  • Observation:n. 观察值


Plenty of ancient cultures were keen on astronomy, for the patterns of the heavens were the basis of their calendars and timekeeping systems (not to mention their systems of astrology). But Dr Morrison and his colleagues were interested in two particular phenomena: eclipses of the sun and of the moon. A solar eclipse happens when the moon moves in front of the sun, as seen from a particular spot on Earth, and blocks out its light. A lunar eclipse happens when the moon moves behind Earth in such a way that Earth blocks the sunlight that, when reflected from the lunar surface, renders the moon visible.


  • Keen: adj. 敏锐的

  • Timekeeping: n. 计时;时间记录

  • Eclipse: n. 日食,月食

Eclipses were often viewed as portents (usually bad ones), or as battles between moon or sun gods and the forces that sought to overthrow them. For that reason, records of hundreds of historical eclipses survive to the present. Building on work begun in the 1990s, Dr Morrison and his colleagues collated 424 such observations of 250 eclipses that happened between 720BC and 1600AD. The records were scattered across Babylonian clay tablets preserved at the British Museum, translations of histories of Chinese dynasties and Japanese emperors, records from ancient Greece preserved in works like the “Almagest”, and observations made by Arab astronomers during what was, in Europe, the Dark Ages. (The researchers note that no record survives of an eclipse seen in Europe for almost a thousand years following one recorded in 364AD.)


  • Portents: n. 前兆

  • Battles: n. 战争

  • Overthrow: vt. 推翻

  • Collate: v. 整理

  • Babylonian: adj. 巴比伦的

  • Almagest: n. 《天文学大成》,又名《至大论》,是希腊天文学家托勒密(Ptolemy)在西元140年前后编纂的天文学和数学百科全书


:中世纪之所以被称为是“the Dark Ages”,是因为基督教统治一切;教会事实上行使着国家的职能,成为了凌驾在所有人头上的国家力量。这也就是所谓“政教合一”。这种作为国家的超级力量为了控制人民,不仅建立了一整套森严的等级制度,掌控绝大多数国家资源,攫取和占有大量国民财富,还千方百计利用宗教对人民进行精神麻痹和思想禁锢,把上帝解释为主宰世界的绝对权威,对世界的任何见解都要以《圣经》的解释为准,谁也不能违背,否则,宗教法庭就要对其进行制裁,甚至被处死。

The idea was to combine those observations with modern computer models of the solar system. These are sophisticated enough to let researchers reconstruct the positions of Earth, moon and sun at any given date in the past, and therefore to work out when and from where any past eclipses should have been visible. That means such models can be used to confirm recorded sightings. But because ancient astronomers reckoned the passage of time by the motion of the heavens, and modern models are based on the unvarying output of atomic clocks, the gradual slowing of Earth’s rotation will produce a disagreement in timing between the two.


  • Sophisticated: adj. 复杂的

  • Reckone: v. 认为

Many a mickle makes a muckle


Given the tiny differences in day length involved (a few dozen milliseconds at most) and the primitive equipment (such as water clocks) available to ancient researchers, it might be thought that any difference in timing would be too small to detect. But Dr Morrison points out that this is not actually a problem. The error introduced by Earth’s deceleration is cumulative. Today may be only fractionally shorter than a day was 2,700 years ago, when the earliest records that the team looked at were collected, but between then and now almost a million days have elapsed. Each passing day adds any daily discrepancy to the total discrepancy, and those repeated daily discrepancies add up to significant fractions of an hour—periods well within the accuracy available to ancient astronomers.


  • Detect: v. 观测,察觉

  • Deceleration: n. 减速

  • Cumulative: adj. 累积的

  • Discrepancy: n. 不符;矛盾;相差


After crunching the numbers, the team found that the actual rate at which days have been lengthening over the past couple of millennia is 1.8 milliseconds per century, considerably slower than the 2.3 milliseconds predicted. The main reason for the difference, they reckon, is the lingering effect of the most recent ice age, during which the mass of ice at the planet’s poles was sufficient to deform its shape and thus alter its rate of spin. That is not, though, the only thing which is happening. The researchers also found small but cyclical patterns in the rate of change that repeat themselves over decades—as well as intriguing hints of longer cycles with time periods of thousands of years. Exactly what geophysical goings-on such cycles represent is one for the geologists to work out.


  • Crunch: vt. 处理

  • Lingering: adj. 拖延的

翻译 ▍妖精

审核 ▍阳光下的冰叶

编辑 ▍毛毛

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Exactly what geophysical goings-on such cycles represent is one for the geologists to work out.

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