继2017年首届展会圆满举办之后,ITB China 2018将于5月16日至18日在上海举办。ITB China于近日宣布,已经与中国旅游研究院(CTA)达成合作伙伴关系,双方将通过打造更紧密的合作关系,提升中国旅游业在全球的关注度。中国旅游研究院是国家旅游局直属的专业研究机构,以“促进中国旅游产业发展和国际交流的政府智库、业界智囊、学术高地”为建设宗旨,致力于旅游研究与数据分析,促进旅游业发展。
中国旅游研究院将在ITB China 2018上分享中国出境旅游的研究成果。该成果将根据市场环境、产业运营和消费者特征等因素,重点分析中国出境旅游整体发展,预测未来发展趋势。
ITB China是聚焦中国旅游行业的B2B交易展会,为期三天的展会每年举办一次,2018 ITB China将于上海世博展览馆1号馆举行。活动的联合主办方环球旅讯是中国领先的新闻门户网站及旅游行业峰会组织者。
About ITB Berlin and ITB Asia
First launched 51 years ago, ITB Berlin is recognised as the most successful trade show for the global travel industry. Some 10,000 exhibitors from more than 180 countries regularly attend this event. Every year in October for the last ten years Messe Berlin has successfully organised ITB Asia in Singapore. Boasting 940 exhibitors from 113 countries, ITB Asia in Singapore has established itself as Asia’s Leading Travel Trade Show. As the second show in Asia, ITB China will take place in Shanghai, one of the leading industrial cities in the People’s Republic of China, and with a population of around 23 million one of world’s largest cities. In contrast to ITB Asia, which reflects tourism in Asia as a whole, ITB China focuses entirely on the Chinese travel market.
About ITB China and the ITB China Conference
ITB China 2018 will take place from Wednesday to Friday, 16 to 18 May, at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre in hall 1. ITB China is a three-day business to business travel trade fair that focuses exclusively on the Chinese travel industry. The ITB China Conference will take place parallel with the show and is co-organised by the leading conference organiser TravelDaily (www.traveldaily.cn).
More details are available at www.itb-china.com