专栏名称: 新东方托福
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新东方托福  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2017-03-28 16:51




1.Many university students are encouraged to study in majors more needed in the job market, like science, technology, engineering, math. 你是否认为学生应该选择STEM,而不是自己感兴趣的学科。

2.以下哪个对于high school teachers是最重要的。 (students aged 15 to 18)

-The ability to give advice about planning for future.

-The ability to recognize students that need help.

-The ability to encourage students to learn outside of the classroom by themselves.

3.家长应该express their disagreements to the teacher if parents find the teaching method incorrect.

4.大学应该花钱 improving facilities而不是hiring famous teachers.

5.人们应该take several different kinds of job before they take a career in a long term.

6.It is better for a company to have employees who do as they are told than employees who think of their own ideas?

7.Leadership comes naturally: one cannot learn to be a leader.

8.Competition between friends会负面影响友谊.


独立口语(Task 1&2各20题)

Task 1

1.what is the one style of clothing that students in your school tend to wear? 为什么喜欢这种风格的衣服Include specific reasons and details in your response.
