专栏名称: 文献自助餐
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文献自助餐  · 知乎专栏  ·  · 2016-09-14 23:24


友情发布一则新加坡国立大学房地产系的招生信息。两个项目可供申请:MSC (Real Estate and Urban Economics)项目和Doctoral of Philosophy项目。全文如下:

Department of Real Estate

School of Design and Environment

National University of Singapore

Graduate Research Programs AY 2017/2018

The Department of Real Estate (DRE), at the National University of Singapore (NUS), is inviting applications for its two graduate research programs (full-time and part-time programs) in AY2017/2018; August 2017 intake (Semester 1) and January 2018 intake (Semester 2). The key areas of proposed research include: real estate finance and investment, urban and housing policy, institutional studies as well as urban economics.

The maximum candidature for MSC (Real Estate and Urban Economics) is three years. A candidate can apply for upgrading to PhD after he/she has satisfied the coursework and English language requirement.

The graduation requirements for the award of the M.SC degree are:

  • Minimum CAP of 3.0 for all four modules taken under the coursework requirement

  • Satisfactory grade of “C” or better in English Language course (intermediate level), if student is required to take the graduate English Language course

  • “Satisfactory” grade in graduate seminar module

  • Pass in Master’s thesis

A PhD candidate pursuing Doctoral of Philosophy program has a maximum candidature of five years. To graduate, a candidate must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Coursework requirements

  • The PhD qualifying examinations (written and oral)

  • The Graduate Assistantship Program (GAP) for international students, if applicable

  • Fulfil the English Language requirement, if applicable

  • The PhD thesis examination

The admission criteria for the two programs are:

  • A good bachelor’s or master degree from a well-recognized university in the areas of Real Estate, Economics, Finance, Planning, Urban and Institutional Studies, Economics of Geography, and Mathematics/Statistics/Econometrics.

  • A short essay to indicate your research interests and the motivations of undertaking the graduate research at the NUS, DRE.

Scholarships are available for two years (M.SC) and four years (PhD) for outstanding applicants.

The application closing dates are respectively: 15 November 2016 (for August 2017 intake) and 15 May 2017 (for January 2018 intake). Please submit an online application and complete all necessary procedures by the closing date. Only completed applications which have been submitted by the due dates will be considered.

Please visit the application instructions and look through the application checklist. The online application link is available at NUS - National University of Singapore:: School of Design and Environment .

Department of Real Estate

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