An O’Rourke campaign stop features many stories of Republican- and Democratic-voting Texans he has met on a long tour of the state in a pickup truck (Waco was Day 24). He frequently concludes that “the only way to get meaningful things done” is to work across party lines. Though he disagrees with Mr Trump over such issues as immigration, the environment and criminal-justice reform, when he sees common ground—for instance, their shared scepticism about open-ended foreign wars—he says so. He stresses apprenticeships, job-training and health policies that both parties can support.
El Paso is home to a large army base and 54,000 ex-servicemen, and the Democrat has made veterans’ affairs a focus of his work. In Waco, and the next day in Killeen, near a giant army base at Fort Hood, Mr O’Rourke described a bill he is co-sponsoring with a Republican from Colorado, Mike Coffman, allowing troubled veterans with a less-than-honourable discharge access to mental health services at veterans’ hospitals. Mr Coffman pointed out a mistake in the bill he had drafted, Mr O’Rourke related. Because their bill is bipartisan it passed the House veterans’ affairs committee unanimously, giving it better odds of becoming law. “Let’s have a round of applause for bipartisanship,” he cried.
艾尔帕索是军事基地,也是5万4千名退役军人的家,民主党一直将退役老兵的问题作为各项工作的重心。O’Rourke先在瓦克,随后在胡德堡基地附近的吉利恩,讲述了自己和来自科罗拉多的共和党员Mike Coffman合作的新法案,该法案旨在让受伤病困扰但是未能光荣退休的老兵,能在老兵医院接受心理健康服务。Coffman指出了自己在草拟法案时犯的一个错误,O’Rourke随后也进行了更正。因为该项法案是涉及两党的,因此在白宫老兵事务委员会上得到了一致通过,那么也就意味着它很可能成为一部法律。O’Rourke说:“让我们感谢两党合作吧”