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经济学人丨Beto O’Rourke提出民主党恢复势力的办法丨2017.08.24丨总第1016期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-10-17 06:01






A Democrat in a deep red state


Beto O’Rourke suggests how the Democrats might recover

Beto O’Rourke提出民主党恢复势力的办法

Aug 24th 2017

MCLENNAN County in Texas witnessed two unusual events on August 21st. The first was a solar eclipse, the second a Democrat running for the Senate—though the county, in sunbaked central Texas, went for Donald Trump by 27 points over Hillary Clinton. Texas may be increasingly diverse (it is 40% Hispanic) but has not elected a Democratic senator in 30 years.


The Democrat was Representative Beto O’Rourke—a rangy, earnest former punk-rock musician, software entrepreneur and congressman for the border town of El Paso. He delivered his message to a crowd at the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco. Lots of Democrats see an opportunity in Mr Trump. With each day such partisans are sure that this president will disgust more decent Americans and disappoint the bigots and chumps who still admire him. Angry resistance to such a brute, they feel, must bring victory. Mr O’Rourke, a floppy-haired 44-year-old who reminds fans of Robert Kennedy, sees a different opportunity. His campaign amounts to a bet that when voters chose an outsider-strongman as president, they showed a desire to take risks to end Washington gridlock —and are not too fussed about ideological questions like the size of government.

这位民主党人是Beto O’Rourke,他四肢瘦长,曾经还是个狂热的朋克摇滚音乐家、软件公司创始人以及边城艾尔帕索的议员。他在瓦克的德克萨斯名人堂博物馆做演讲时,发布了自己要竞选的消息。很多民主党人在特朗普身上看到了希望。这些党羽很确定这位总统每天的举动,只会让更多正派的美国民众感到恶心、让偏执狂们失望,同时也让那些还支持他的人沦为笑柄。他们觉得对待这样一位“没脑子”的总统,(和他)对着干可不行。这位头发松软,时常让人想起罗伯特肯尼迪的44岁男人,看到了另一种生机。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)

  • Bigot: n. 偏执者

  • Gridlock: n. 僵局

A conventional Democrat running for the Senate in Texas would lambast the Republican up for re-election in 2018: Ted Cruz, a divisive, God-and-guns, government-bashing conservative and former presidential challenger. Instead, Mr O’Rourke barely mentions Mr Cruz. He merely contrasts his own record of holding monthly town-hall meetings in El Paso (meeting voters instils a “healthy fear” when casting votes in DC, he says) with Mr Cruz’s relative inaccessibility.

对于要在2018年参加改选的共和党人Ted Cruz来说,一位保守的民主党人参与竞选德州参议院议员,是个打脸的事。Ted Cruz是个制造分裂的、信仰上帝,支持持有枪支、并攻击政府的保守党,他曾经参与竞选总统。但是,O’Rourke却很少提及他。他很少将自己在艾尔帕索召开的惊人的市政厅会议(他说,开这些会议是为了让选民们在投票时有“适当的敬畏感”)数量和Ted Cruz相对逊色的数据对比。

  • Lambast: v. 狠揍,严厉申诉

Both loved and loathed, Mr Cruz enjoys near universal name recognition in Texas and has access to colossal funding. Mr O’Rourke, in his third term representing a border city in a far corner of the state, has forsworn money from political action committees, secretive outfits which can accept unlimited donations. His hope lies in individual donations from around the country. He often mentions the viral online success of a two-day road trip he made in March with a Republican congressman from Texas, Will Hurd, after a snowstorm grounded flights to Washington. The genial pair (Mr Hurd is an ex-CIA agent unafraid to criticise Mr Trump) drew national attention with their livestreamed journey, as they munched bad food and debated politics.

Cruz先生既有人爱也有人恨,他的名号在德州几乎人尽皆知,他还拥有庞大的资金链。然而O’Rourke先生在他代表德州边远角一个地区的第三任期期间,就已经放弃了政治活动委员会和接收无限捐款的秘密组织的钱。他经常提及自己三月在去华盛顿的行程中,与共和党议员Will Hurd一起打赢网络病毒战的经历。就在他们实况转播他们的遭遇的时候,这位亲切的共和党人(他曾经是CIA探员,所以敢于公开批评特朗普)得到了全国的注意。

  • Colossal: adj. 巨大的,庞大的

  • Genial: adj. 亲切的,友好的

  • Forswear: v. 放弃,发誓戒除

  • Munch: v. 大声咀嚼

An O’Rourke campaign stop features many stories of Republican- and Democratic-voting Texans he has met on a long tour of the state in a pickup truck (Waco was Day 24). He frequently concludes that “the only way to get meaningful things done” is to work across party lines. Though he disagrees with Mr Trump over such issues as immigration, the environment and criminal-justice reform, when he sees common ground—for instance, their shared scepticism about open-ended foreign wars—he says so. He stresses apprenticeships, job-training and health policies that both parties can support.


El Paso is home to a large army base and 54,000 ex-servicemen, and the Democrat has made veterans’ affairs a focus of his work. In Waco, and the next day in Killeen, near a giant army base at Fort Hood, Mr O’Rourke described a bill he is co-sponsoring with a Republican from Colorado, Mike Coffman, allowing troubled veterans with a less-than-honourable discharge access to mental health services at veterans’ hospitals. Mr Coffman pointed out a mistake in the bill he had drafted, Mr O’Rourke related. Because their bill is bipartisan it passed the House veterans’ affairs committee unanimously, giving it better odds of becoming law. “Let’s have a round of applause for bipartisanship,” he cried.

艾尔帕索是军事基地,也是5万4千名退役军人的家,民主党一直将退役老兵的问题作为各项工作的重心。O’Rourke先在瓦克,随后在胡德堡基地附近的吉利恩,讲述了自己和来自科罗拉多的共和党员Mike Coffman合作的新法案,该法案旨在让受伤病困扰但是未能光荣退休的老兵,能在老兵医院接受心理健康服务。Coffman指出了自己在草拟法案时犯的一个错误,O’Rourke随后也进行了更正。因为该项法案是涉及两党的,因此在白宫老兵事务委员会上得到了一致通过,那么也就意味着它很可能成为一部法律。O’Rourke说:“让我们感谢两党合作吧”

In veterans’ affairs, Mr O’Rourke has stumbled on an interesting speciality. Americans reveal much about their real beliefs whenever they demand (as almost all do) more generous, federally funded health care and benefits for ex-servicemen, one of the few groups to bask in nearly unanimous public approval. If conservatives truly believed that “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help” are the most terrifying words in the English language, to quote the old Reagan joke, they would not want to inflict the cruelty of federal help on the ex-soldiers they revere. In truth, lots of Republicans like safety-nets for the deserving (as Mr Trump understands, when he says he will not cut Social Security and Medicare for the old). What many Americans hate is redistribution to folk they see as feckless.


  • Bask: v. 晒太阳,取暖

With his anecdotes about suicide prevention for veterans, or about Republican-voting Christians in rural cafés who worry about public-school funding, Mr O’Rourke is—in effect—exploring ways for Democrats to be the party that helps reasonable Republicans make government effective.


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