翻译 :Julia 来源:
PA/PH/CEP (16) 58
Strasbourg, December 2016
Certification of suitability to the Monographs of the EuropeanPharmacopoeia
New Applications for Certificates of Suitability forchemical purity
Address: 7 AlléeKastner, CS 30026 F-67081 Strasbourg (France)
Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 4130 30 – Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 41 27 71 - e-mail:
[email protected]
Thisdocument is a summary of the ten most frequent questions raised after theinitial evaluation of new applications for Certificates of suitability (CEP)for chemical purity. It is based on the content of a sample of 20 deficiencyletters sent selected randomly during the second half of 2015 and beginning of2016.
The topten most frequent questions are listed below together with expectations andrecommendations on how to address the specific deficiencies, with reference toapplicable guidelines.
Thisdocument is intended to help applicants to improve the quality of theirdossiers, in order to facilitate and speed up the granting of their CEPs. Itshould be taken into account while building up a dossier, in combination withthe EDQM Guideline “Content of the Dossier for Chemical Purity andMicrobiological Quality (PA/PH/CEP 04 1)” available on the EDQM website.
本文意在帮助申报人提高其注册文件质量,以帮助和加快其CEP的颁发。在构建注册文件时,应结合考虑EDQM官网上EDQM指南“化学纯度和微生物质量注册文件内容(PA/PH/CEP04 1)”的要求。
Absence or deficient discussion on the risk of having potential mutagenic impurities in the final substance.
This isapplicable to sources of substances which have not yet been introduced inmedicinal products available on the European market.
Applicantsare expected to provide a complete discussion on mutagenic impurities in theirapplication for a CEP. It is necessary to refer to ICH M7 (in force sinceJanuary 2016). Any addendum, available on the ICH website, may also be usefulreading for product-specific recommended safety values (refer also to Note 5 ofICH M7).
申报人应在其CEP注册申报资料中提交关于诱变性杂质的完整讨论。该讨论应参考ICH M7(自2016年1月起生效)。ICH官网上所有备忘也可能会对于特定产品所推荐的安全值有用(同时也请参考ICH M7注5)。
It isexpected that potential mutagenic impurities arising from the synthesis of thesubstance and its starting materials (if relevant and if not otherwisejustified) or from degradation processes are listed and classified in the CEPdossier as per ICH M7. Impurities can be classified with respect to theirmutagenic and carcinogenic potential in 5 different classes (refer to table 1of ICH M7) and actions for control are proposed accordingly. Sometimes nomutagenicity data are available for impurities showing alerting structures andarising from synthetic processes (class 3 impurities as per ICH M7); theseimpurities should be controlled at or below an acceptable limit or mutagenicityassays should be conducted (refer to Note 2 of ICH M7) in order to understandif the impurity is non-mutagenic (hence class 5) or mutagenic (hence class 2).The outcome of bacterial mutagenicity assays can also be predicted by (Q)SARmethodologies (in-silico studies). According to ICH M7 two (Q)SAR methodologiesthat complement each other should be applied, one which is expert rule-basedand a second one which is statistical-based. The principles set by the OECDshould be followed.
应按ICH M7的分类在CEP注册文件中分类列出原料药合成过程中、起始物料合成过程中(如相关并且没有另做论证时)以及原料药降解过程中所产生的潜在诱变性杂质。杂质可以按其诱变性和致癌可能性分为5类(参见ICH M7表1),并据此制订相应的控制措施。有时,一些显示出警示结构的杂质和合成工艺中产生的杂质可能无法获得诱变性数据(按ICHM7分类应为第3类),则应将这些杂质控制在等于或低于可接受限度内或诱变水平内(参考ICH M7注2),以厘清该杂质究竟是非诱变性(则应为第5类)还是诱变性(则应为第2类)。根据(Q)SAR方法学(电脑模拟研究)也可以预测细菌诱变检测的结果。根据ICH M7,应采用2个(Q)SAR方法学相互补充,其中一个应是依据专家规则,另一个则依据统计规则。应遵守OECD所设定的原则。
In orderto set an acceptable limit for (potential) mutagenic impurities in thesubstance it is necessary to divide the “acceptable intake” of the (potential)mutagenic impurity by the maximum daily dose of the substance. In order toidentify the acceptable intake for a mutagenic impurity, the“less-than-lifetime” (LTL) concept may be used. Note 7 of ICH M7 is veryhelpful to identify this acceptable intake, and ICH M7 also gives guidance onhow to identify acceptable total intakes for multiple impurities.
为了设定原料药中(潜在)诱变杂质的可接受限度,有必要根据原料药的最大日剂量对(潜在)诱变杂质的“可接受摄入量”进行区分。为了识别出诱变杂质的可接受摄入量,可以使用“小于生命周期”(LTL)概念。ICH M7注7在识别此可接受摄入量方面会很有用,ICH M7也给出如何识别多个杂质总体可接受摄入量的指南。
Once anacceptable limit is adequately identified, it is expected that a controlstrategy is developed according to the four proposals given by ICH M7 (fromoption 1 to option 4), according to the nature of those impurities and theirprobability to be present in the final substance. Batch data should be given insupport (if deemed necessary) and the analytical methods used should bedescribed. Purge studies may be developed in support to approaches based onoption 3 and option 4. Purge studies should be well-developed and justified andall the physico-chemical parameters used (reactivity, solubility, volatility,ionisability, physical processes, etc) should be given with the studies anddiscussed.
Absence or insufficient discussion on fate and carryover of related substances of starting materials (included) to the final substance.
Theimpurity profile of molecules identified as starting materials should be wellcharacterised. This means that applicants need to know what kind of impuritiescan be found in starting materials, in particular with regard to relatedsubstances since usually these are molecules that can react according to thechemistry foreseen by the process, leading to impurities in intermediates andpotentially in the final substance. Once the impurity profile of startingmaterials is sufficiently characterised a detailed discussion is expected notonly with regard to carryover of impurities from starting materials to thefinal substance but also with regard to their fate: what happens to them onceintroduced in the process along with the starting material. Carryover ofunreacted starting materials themselves should also be discussed. If deemednecessary, adequate evidence (e.g., analytical data, literature, informationfrom process development or process validation, etc.) should be given insupport.